Category "gnocchi"

Gnocchi - best fluffy technique

What is the best way to ensure prepared gnocchi is light and fluffy, not lumpy and soggy? I've seen tips saying to use more flour, to use less, to add ricotta c

How to prepare gnocchi dough for mixed ingredients?

After reading a recent post on incorporating vegetables into gnocchi (and presumably of potato/flour based pastas), I tried my own mixture of veggies and it cam

How do I make Crispy Gnocchi

This is turning out to be harder than I expected. I had gnocchi at a restaurant which had a crispy outside. I fail to consistently achieve this. I have tried s

Can I preserve fresh potato gnocchi by drying it?

I have a lot of potatoes to use, and I am making a large batch of Gnocchi. I plan to freeze much of it, but I was wondering if it's also possible to dry the fre

Why is gnocchi a dumpling and not a noodle?

I've recently been told that gnocchi is technically a dumpling, not a noodle. What about it causes gnocchi to fall under the dumpling category?

Types of potato for making gnocchi

I've made gnocchi with different types of potato with mixed result. Can anyone recommend a type that is particularly good for making gnocchi?

Can I store raw gnocchi dough in the fridge?

I made gnocchi dough earlier this evening. It was my first time, so I took a bit of dough and made myself some dinner with it. It was great. But I still have s

Cooking potatoes - baking covered in salt for mashing

I was wondering about a detail of a recipe I recently read in a magazine. The recipe is for Gnocchi, so basically it's about making a potato mash dough. Inste

Can I cook gnocchi with sauce in the microwave?

Today for lunch at the office I have a package of gnocchi and a jar of tomato sauce. We have a microwave and a water cooler/heater. Is it possible for me to act

Is there a technique to freeze gnocchi so they maintain their consistency?

I've made gnocchi, let them dry for 2 hours over the counter, place them in a plastic container with extra flour inside the freezer. Two days later I take them

How long does it take for potato dough to become thinner?

In recipes for potato gnocchi (potatoes, egg yolk, flour) it is commonly pointed out that you should work quickly, because with time the potatoes expel water an

What causes gnocchi to pop violently when fried?

I came across this video about frying gnocchi, and am now quite curious what causes the reaction shown, especially since gnocchi is made from potatoes, and we h

gluten free gnocchi tasting too much like potato

I made my first batch of gnocchi this weekend and after quite a bit of work, I got gnocchi that didn't taste great. The consistency was ok; they did not disint

Can potato gnocchi dough be overworked or simply break?

I made potato gnocchi today but while kneading the dough I noticed that within the 5th minute of kneading the dough suddenly starting excessively sticking to my

Amount of time boiling gnocchi

When boiling potato gnocchi, I'm told that they should remain in the water until they float to the top. My question is, what happens to them the longer they r

Whipped egg whites in Gnocchi?

I have been wondering what would happen if I tried to make Gnocchi with whipped egg whites instead of egg. I was imagining it might make them light and fluffier

Is there a difference in gnocchi between baking, steaming, or boiling potatoes?

I’m looking to make gnocchi. Lydia Bastianich says in her cookbook that we should boil the potatoes. Bryan Talbot says that we should bake them with a lit

Can dry roasted squash be used effectively for gnocchi?

I roasted an entire pumpkin (specifically, a triamble variety). It was cut into large pieces and roasted with oil in an oven. I ended up leaving it to cool in t

Home made beet gnocchi is sticky

First time I tried making gnocchi (or any pasta type). I followed the orders but my gnocchi are pretty sticky (maybe there's a better word?). It feels like a p

Why do my Gnocchi get sticky?

I am having trouble getting my gnocchi to behave properly. I nailed the recipe a few years ago but haven't made any in between and now they turn out sticky afte