Category "dehydrating"

Is there a way to make Beef Jerky at home?

I would like to make beef jerky at home, is there a way to do this?

Should beef jerky be cut with or across the grain?

Recipes seem to be split down the middle of whether or not meat to make jerky should be cut with the grain or across it. What is the difference in the final pro

Can I dehydrate multiple different types of food at the same time?

I recently got a L'Equip food dehydrator and have had some good success playing around with it. But I'm interested to know if I can dehydrate different food stu

How to cure beef jerky with a minimum of salt?

I just made a batch of jerky last weekend. I used the packet that came with the dehydrator. Marinade for 4 hours, dehydrate at 160 for 14 hours (12 for smaller

dehydrator temperatures

I just bought a nesco dehydrator. Used it a few times with good results. Yesterday I sliced up some fresh pineapple and placed it over 4 racks. I let it run at

What should I look out for when creating my own beef jerky marinades?

I have had some success with making beef jerky at home in my food dehydrator. I would like to try and start experimenting with some original recipes. A whole ho

Preserving dehydrated fruits and vegs

We bought a food dehydrator to make dog treats with. Primarily we're dehydrating yams, apples and bananas. I'm not dehydrating these to crisps because I didn'

marinated vegetables on food dehydrators?

So there's a party I'm going to and I promised to make jerkies, but a few of them are vegans. I'm wondering if there are vegetables (or anything non-meat) that

Can I use my dehydrator to raise bread?

I bought a dehydrator about a year ago and the product manual says that a dehydrator is great for leavening bread. I have tried this a number of times with (see

Dehydrating fruit without a microwave

I have a recipe that calls for dehydrating raspberries and lemon rind with the following technique: Scatter raspberries and pieces of lemon rind over a sheet o

Crunchy vs Chewy dried apples?

When making dried apples, how does one control for whether the apples come out crunchy or chewy? Is it a matter of equipment (eg: dehydrator vs oven vs sun drie

preserving dehydrated foods prepared with citric acid, honey or syrup

Can anyone please confirm for me whether food that has been dehydrated with honey, syrup or citric acid (which I understand has a shorter life span than those m

How do I dehydrate hot peppers in the oven?

I have a bumper crop of jalapeno hot peppers that I would like to dry in my oven. I love to roast and grind dried chiles for Chili Con Carne or Enchiladas. The

Approximating dried mushroom texture without

For yet another variation on using dried/fresh mushrooms, I would like to know how to approximate the texture of dried mushrooms using fresh. My intent is to m

Can I substitute dehydrated veggies for freeze dried in recipes?

I've been looking at pre-made mason-jar meals recently and notice a lot of recipes use freeze dried food. Namely, Cheff Tess' (presumably a spokesperson for Hon

What differences are there between reconstituted dried mushrooms and fresh?

I'm new to the idea of cooking with dried (reconstituted) mushrooms and am wondering how they would differ from fresh when cooked. Specifically, is the textu

How common are worms in dried mushrooms?

I was excited to try cooking with dried mushrooms until I saw some comments from people who found (many) dried worms mixed in with their dried mushrooms. How c

Brining before dehydrating?

I dehydrate my own pressure cooked chicken for camping trips where I add them soups and stews. I cook the chicken in a pressure cooker (rather than baking it or

Can you rehydrate phyllo dough?

I like eating food with phyllo dough and I like preparing such food. However, phyllo dough is not easily available where I live. The only packages I can find ar

Keeping beef jerky dry?

I made some beef jerky, and I am wanting to mail some to family and friends. I don't have any of those silica gel packets to absorb moisture - is there anythin