Category "dehydrating"

Make lemon balm tea - recommended method

I get a ton of lemon balm in my yard and I'd love to make a tea from it - especially an iced tea. I'm a total tea newbie, so I have a few questions: Should I d

How do I make dried soup mix?

I do a lot of backpacking, and I usually buy freeze dried meals, like these ones. This year I would like to make my own dried meals. I know how to dehydrate m

Problems drying out chili sauce and in to a powder

I make a chili sauce that I want to turn in to a seasoning. I’ve made a few batches by spreading the sauce out on silicon sheets in a thin layer and baki

Dehydrating cake?

I've recently purchased a book on desserts. Many recipes involve baking a cake and then dehydrating it over night (at 50° C) using the appropriate equipment

Dehydration temperatures for long-term preservation

I am dehydrating fruits and vegetables with a home dehydrator. I found in the internet varying recommendations about dehydration temperatures, ranging from 45 t

Dehydrating in a convection oven

How do I use the oven to dehydrate foods. Do I close the door or leave it open?

Do alcohol and salt help in preservation of dehydrated vegetables?

I dehydrate vegetables and keep them in glass jars for a long time. Is it a good idea to put a small amount of alcohol 70% in the jar before I insert the vegeta

dehydrating puree food

Can I dehydrate chicken cooked in water, purreed and mixed with purreed vegetables and mashed potatoes. Like a stew. Something that would be crisp like a chip

What is the most cost effective way at home to dehydrate nuts?

I have recently been looking to make some nut butters and one of the main things everyone talks about is soaking the nuts then dehydrating them. After googling

What to do with dehydrated potatoes tainted black?

I had many potatoes I wanted to preserve for a long time. Usually the potatoes I keep in my kitchen get rotten after a month or two (and I don't have a cellar t

Dehydrating herbs - leaves vs. stems

I use my dehydrator to dehydrate herbs such as parsley and dill. I use low temperature (95 F = 35 C) to preserve the taste. The dark-green leaves are usually co

Sweet potatoes: to cook or not to cook?

I would like to dehydrate some sweet potatoes. Here I found a recipe for dehydrating fresh sweet potatoes in low temperatures without cooking them first. But he

How to dry out rehydrated dried mangos?

I have been making spiced dried mangoes lately by purchasing a package of dried mangoes, placing them into a bowl, splashing some lime juice on them, and then a

dehydrating food with a vacuum chamber

I've been considering buying a food dehydrator, mostly for fruit, maybe some jerky. I know that a conventional food dehydrator can take a while, 12-24 hours. I'

Dehydrating eggs

I have seen a few examples of dehydrating scrambled eggs, and reconstituting them later. It got me wondering if there is a way to dehydrate raw eggs in a way th

How do you remove strong garlic odor from enclosed space (garage)?

I dehydrated garlic in my garage a couple of days ago and now I need to remove the strong garlic odor in the garage -- any ideas? I have left the garage door o

How can I test if a dehydrator is getting to the proper temperature?

I'm trying to sell an Aroma 5 tray dehydrator and want to make sure it's working correctly. What temperature should it be getting to and how do I test for it?

Starch Content of Dehydrated Potatoes

Good day! I've been wondering this for years. I'm from Nova Scotia and we cook a Traditional meal called Rapure. The way it's made is by taking about 15 lbs

Can I use oil in marinades for dehydrated mushrooms?

I have a new dehydrator that I'm looking to use to replace some of my unhealthy quick snacks with better alternatives. To that end, I think I've found a great

Fixing oily dukkah

We just made some dukkah by blitzing a mixture of baked nuts/seeds: almonds, pistachio, fennel, coriander, sesame, caraway, cumin (and raw chia at the very end)