Category "cinnamon"

Why does cinnamon in the grounds make older coffee taste better?

If I go to make coffee and find that the coffee is a little old, I'll sprinkle a little ground cinnamon in the grounds in the basket before brewing. I won't use

What does the Cinnamon in my coffee turn into?

I few years ago I put Cinnamon in my coffee. After a few hours (I'm a slow coffee drinker) I started to take my last sip and a big clump of mucus hit my tongue

What are the benefits of Ceylon cinnamon over Chinese cinnamon?

I have read that Ceylon cinnamon is sweeter. It is also 3X the price. Is it really worth it?

Why buy ground cinnamon instead of cinnamon sticks?

Ground cinnamon is less expensive then cinnamon sticks. I've read that it is also more flavorful. However, cinnamon sticks last a lot longer. Also, ground cinna

How can I fix a mole sauce with excessive cinnamon?

I made an Oaxacan-style mole and went too heavy with the cinnamon stick. That flavor is now too prevalent. How can I fix this? I was thinking about adding so

Is Apple Cinnamon Oats an Indian recipe?

Is Apple Cinnamon Oats an Indian recipe? If not then are there any variations how it is prepared elsewhere in the world?

Why put cinnamon in chili?

We had an office chili cook-off recently (I didn't enter). Two of the chili recipes presented used cinnamon predominately, perhaps even overpoweringly (IMO). Gi

Cinnamon Roll Filling

There seem to exist two different camps of people when it comes to cinnamon rolls and their filling. Some say to use regular granulated sugar, cinnamon, and bu

Why do cinnamon sticks taste sweet?

I often nibble on a cinnamon stick because first of all I like the taste and the smell and secondly it seems to help in weight loss. How comes that cinnamon sti

pieces of wood in cinnamon

I recently bought some organic cinnamon (not ground, broken pieces for a hand mill) and saw what looks like pieces of wood in the mix (they don't have the same

How to avoid cinnamon sludge in a beverage?

When you grind up cinnamon (say in a coffee grinder) and use it in a drink, it ends up producing this thick sludge. You can only prevent the sludge from formin

Can I leave my cinnamon bars unbaked in the fridge for a few hours?

I'm making a cinnamon bars recipe in a 9x13 pan. (Recipe something similar to this.) I'd like to assemble it a few hours in advance and then leave it in the fri

Is cinnamon sweet?

I've heard that even though cinnamon is widely used in several types of sweet food-products, it's actually not a sweet spice. Is is true? If yes, why is it use

Is this "true" cinnamon?

I just made pho. It turned out great but for one thing, I found the cinnamon flavor to be just a tad overwhelming. No worries, I just added more of everything e

Why don't the Rhodes cinnamon rolls from a bag turn out as good as the ones in the foil pan?

My family and I like the Rhodes cinnamon rolls that come in a foil pan -- straight from the freezer into the oven. Getting the timing just right (not doughy, no

cinnamon in bread dough

Is there a reason, besides the beautiful appearance, that cinnamon is added as a swirl instead of added directly to the dough? I heard once that it inhibited th

Will Cinnamon ever dissolve in a cocktail?

I have this idea, that making a cinnamon, vanilla and brandy cocktail would be delicious, and it is. But it is also kinda grainy. What I have been doing: In a

Do cinnamon, mint and saffron turn bitter?

I have noticed that when I use either of the three (cinnamon-mint-saffron) spices/herbs in savory dishes they tend to turn them bitter. With the saffron I know

Does cinnamon "spoil"?

When cinnamon (or other spices) is past its "best by" date, I know that the flavor and potency will be less strong. However, is it still safe to use it on food?

How to make my cinnamon rolls less bready?

I make it like this 3/4 cup milk, 1/4 margarine, 3/4 flour, 25 ounce yeast, 1/4 white sugar, 1/4 water, one egg. I leave it for thirty minutes, and it hardly r