Category "crumble"

What is the correct flour, sugar, butter ratio for crumble?

Looking through a number of fruit crumble recipes I see that there is a wide range of ratios used for crumble topping. Some use equal amounts of flour (or other

How much oats to put in crumble topping? [closed]

My interpretation of the other question about the ideal flour/sugar/butter ratio for crumble, is that the flour:sugar ratio should be somewher

Can I make my crumble topping in a mixer?

I have a basic crumb topping that I use to top fruit crumbles. It consists of 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup flour, and 1/2 cup margarine. I like to make it in big ba

Can I double cook apple? When making, say, Apple Crumble?

I am new to cooking. I like to cook in batch because I want to come down to kitchen and pop something in microwave and return to my desk. I only like apples

How can I salvage burned apple crumble?

I made apple crumble in small ramekins earlier today. I tasted one and the crumble felt a bit dry and not sweet enough, so I added white sugar on top and put it

How to store crumble cake

I've just made a rather delicious raspberry "crumble cake". It consists of a thin layer of cake with whole raspberries, topped with crumble and baked. I get the

Muffins are fluffy, but crumbly

I just made muffins, which turned out to have a great flavor and density, but are very crumbly. I followed this recipe, and made the following substitutions:

How can I use left over crumble topping?

I like making fruit crumbles, and I like fruit crumbles, but I have a problem... I always make the crumble topping by estimating quantities, adjusting the ingr

Apple Crumble doesn't turn out okay and takes forever

I used a simple Apple Crumble recipe: equal parts by weight flour and butter, and half part sugar. It takes forever to bake in my electric oven at 180C. I made