Category "honey"

Can I prevent honey from congealing/hardening in the pantry?

This question is inspired by this answer suggesting that honey lasts a long time. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to last so long in my cupboard. I make sure i

Why does honey stored with the comb last longer?

I recently discovered that honey stored in containers with the comb does not seem to crystallize (or certainly not as fast as when stored without). What is the

Can agave nectar be substituted for honey in baking?

The only sweetener called for in the bread recipe I want to use is honey; can I substitute 1/3 a cup of agave nectar for 1/3 a cup of honey without throwing off

Can I substitute Molasses for Honey in Baking Recipes?

Can I substitute one for the other in baking recipes?

How can I achieve perfect consistency with honey-roasted almonds?

I would like to roast my own almonds (or other nuts) with honey. Ideally, at the end of the roasting, the nuts should be slightly caramelized and have absorbed

Are there any substitutes for honey when trying to activate yeast?

Are there any substitutes for honey when trying to activate yeast? I have a bottle of corn syrup and was wondering if I could just use that.

Can I replace honey with maple syrup in recipes that require honey?

There are many recipes (or recipe variants) that require honey as ingredient. Barbecue Spareribs Honey Lamb Chops Honey Raisin Choc Drops Honey Shortbread Bisc

Honeycomb in honey - how long does it last?

I've got some nice honeycomb (submersed in honey) in a big jar, but the "best before" date was over 4 months ago! I was saving it for a year or two. Just realis

Does honey have a bitter component?

I've heard Jeffrey Steingarten, on Iron Chef America, mention that he finds honey quite bitter. I've never noticed that myself. Maybe if I really try I can noti

Is there any reason not to decrystallize honey?

The other night some friends of mine tried to convince me that decrystallizing honey is bad for the honey. I don't buy it. Is there any truth to their claims

How would I make a Paleo yogurt-based frozen custard?

OK, I've been tasked with making a Paleo dessert, and I'd like to try to make a frozen dessert. Here are the ground rules for Paleo desserts: only fermented dai

What nutritional differences are there between honey and table sugar (sucrose)? [closed]

My girlfriend has been putting honey in my coffee instead of sugar. She says it is better for me, but she can't give me an explanation I under

Can I replace sugar with honey in tea?

If I want to replace sugar with honey in black or green tea, can I add the honey at any point or should I wait until the tea cools down a bit?

Is honey considered vegan?

I was thinking of following a vegan diet for health reasons. I tried it for a week during a "cleanse" and it wasn't so bad, even though I love steak and eggs. I

Can a Toddler Eat Food Cooked With Honey in it?

One of the recommendations for enabling a young child to pick up some of the more slippery foods is to coat them with bread crumbs or graham cracker crumbs. Wh

What is the best temperature to store honey at?

I was wondering what temperature is suitable to store honey bought from stores? Now in the summer, it can be around 30+ Celsius, and even nearly 40 on some day

Culinary uses for honeycomb?

On a whim, I bought real honeycomb (not the cookie type dessert) from a local shop. I tried eating it plain, but the wax makes it unpleasant and chewy. What ca

How to Replace Icing Sugar in a No-Bake Cheesecake

Are there any good substitutes for sugar in Cheesecakes? I am not interested in synthetic sugar like Aspartame. I want to use natural sugar substitute like hone

Parmesan Crusted Steak - Replace olive oil with honey

I've recently been making a parmesan crust for my steaks, the recipe I'm using calls for olive oil on the steak itself, before cooking. It works well for the cr

Is it true that honey never spoils? Why?

I've heard that "honey never spoils", but I'm incredulous. Is this true, and if so, how? Isn't there some indicator that I should throw the honey in my cupboa