Category "honey"

Why doesn't acacia honey crystallize?

Acacia honey is made from the flowers of the acacia (aka locust) tree. It is very light colored, and it is reputed to never crystallize. Certainly none of the a

Why did my nougat burn?

I attempted to make nougat today and it was an epic failure. The instructions for the sugar and honey solution was to mix it together with 2 tablespoons of wate

How do I reduce the acidity of homemade honey lemon juice?

I usually use 1 lemon together with 2 spoon of honey and 500 ml of water. I note that as I increase the water content, the juice does not taste as good but I wo

Is it Safe to Fry Honey?

I have honey and porkchops. Is it safe to marinate the porkchops in a honey based marinade and then fry them in a blend of cooking oils?

Does ginger infused honey or vodka ever go bad food-safety-wise?

I have sliced ginger stored in a jar of honey, and another jar of a small ginger knob in vodka. Both were stored in the refrigerator. Both are about 2 to 3 year

Is raw honey safe to consume?

I recently purchased a jar of Very Raw Honey from my local market. I purchased it because it was on sale, but eventually I looked up whether it was safe or not

Honey in porridge

Honey degrades in temperatures over 40°C. When I cook the porridge in the morning, it definitely has more that 40°C. If I mix in the porridge a tablespo

Honey changing into unusable, hardened clump

I buy raw, unfiltered honey from the grocery store in jars sold/packed directly by the farmer. When I had used the last jar to about half, I noticed the honey b

Substituting honey for sugar in bread

I want to make one of my favorite white bread sandwich loaves, but I'm out of sugar. What I do have is honey. How much honey should I use to replace 3 Tbs of gr

Can I rescue honey that is crystallised in the container? (with water or otherwise) [duplicate]

I've got a container of honey at home that has gone 'crystalised' and has caked up. When I turn the container upside down, the entire mass has

How to tell if it is honey, super filtered honey, or corn syrup?

There is this article here in Australia that an importer has labeled corn syrup as honey. It has been imported from Turkey and it has been sold to people. I thi

How do I neutralize melter honey?

I was wondering how to neutralize melter honey into more of a straight sugar base and get the acid levels down.

What is Bosnian black honey?

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, I bought some black honey that someone was selling on the roadside in unlabeled jars. It was the most delicious honey I've ever had.

How to protect honey jar from ants?

Is there any technique to prevent ants from getting into a honey jar? The outside of the jar is covered with dead ants every day. Currently, I am wiping the su

Is all bee's honey the same?

At the supermarket, I found many different brands and varieties of honey. Each came from a different place, but most were marketed based on flower-type. I bough

What is cold-pressed honey?

I've heard mention of cold-pressed honey - what does that actually mean? Would it make the honey any different? Honey isn't pressed like olive oil.

How can I prevent my honey cake from splitting open? [duplicate]

I've made honey cake pretty often, and it almost always splits open in the middle. Why does that happen and how can I prevent it? Edit: attac

How to make Honey Roasted Peanuts just like Planters?

I tried to make honey roasted peanuts looking at some blogs. But I didn't come out so well. It was not very crisp and sticking with other peanuts definitely no

Getting the flavor of honey without the sweetness

Honey has an interesting flavor, but it's very sweet. Is there any way to get the flavor of honey without it being sweet?

Why are the blueberries in my blueberry muffins not melting?

I've made a few batches of blueberry muffins and the first batch turned out perfectly. After that batch, I tried to substitute honey for sugar (just testing th