Category "cornstarch"

Is there an alternative to cornstarch when used to thicken a pie filling

I made a some pies a couple of days ago. The recipe called for cornstarch and it thicken the filling after it came out of the oven. The only thing is I could ta

What is the proper way to use corn starch to thicken sauces?

How do you mix corn starch slurry and how do you use it? Do you add the corn starch to the water, or do you add water to the corn starch? Generally what propor

Sticky corn starch croquette

I'm having a coeliac over for dinner and I've made croquettes from corn starch. I have a recipe with 100gr corn starch and 700ml liquid. That works fine. But wh

How can I keep my blueberry pie firm without the flavor of corn starch?

In the summer, I often make a refrigerated blueberry pie. The recipe calls for a graham cracker crust, and you make the filling by cooking one pint of blueberri

Is cornstarch a less effective thickener when used with gelatin?

Gravy is a big deal in my house, when it comes to holiday meals, so I usually make extra. A day or two ahead of time, I roast some extra turkey parts (drumstick

Why baste bread with cornstarch?

In this sourdough recipe, it suggests basting the bread with a cornstarch slurry. I would assume this is meant to promote crust development, but how does that w

How can I thicken tea?

I tried thickening mint tea with cornstarch. I was hoping for something with a more thick mouth-feel. I got the consistency I was looking for, but the cornsta

What should be the tooth of banana pudding pie?

Last night I made a vegan banana pudding pie for Pi Day, and despite the quality of the pie as a pie, I was left wondering if I had gotten the pudding texture r

Why is there cornstarch in powdered sugar?

I was looking up how to make my own powdered/confectioner/icing sugar. Some 'recipes' say that you should add a bit of cornstarch while others just leave this o

Hiding the taste of cornstarch in gluten-free bechamel

I tried a few times to make gluten-free béchamel, by using cornflour instead of wheat flour because I have some in my cupboard (for thickening sauces, ev

Does cornstarch affect the pH of what I'm cooking?

I'm considering canning some fruit compotes to use with yogurt, and the recipe I want to use (which was not designed with canning in mind, found here: http://ww

Replace cornflour in soup

I used to add cornflour in my chicken sweetcorn soup or chicken and noodle soup for a thicker consistency. But then I stopped using it completely after watching

Can I use cornstarch in fondant icing?

Can I use cornstarch instead of gelatin in a fondant icing? If so, what is the needed quantity of cornflour/starch given that the original recipe asks for 1 tea

Corn Starch vs Potato Starch

One of the recipes I am trying out asks me to use Potato starch to help thicken the sauce. A majority of the recipes I found online for it say to use Potato sta

Is cornstarch and AP flour really a good substiture for cake flour?

I was just putting away my cornstarch when I saw this on the label: To make cake flour: For 1 cup cake flour combine 3/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour with

Reusage of deep frying oil and flour coated vegetables

I deep fry different mashed vegetables for various recipes. (For example, Indian Malai Kofta). When I do so, I usually coat the vegetables in flour or corn flou

Does Turkish Delight have to be this difficult?

At the weekend I made some Turkish Delight based on the recipe featured in a recent BBC series called "Sweets Made Simple". Simple maybe, but highly effortful.

Recommendations for making ice cream with milk and corn starch (corn flour)

I started off making ice cream in the French style with cream and egg yolks. I've mostly been using David Lebovitz's web site and his fantastic book the Perfect

Thickening Eggs with Cornstarch

Recently I stumbled across a recipe that uses corn starch to thicken scrambled eggs and was wondering if there was any advice on tweaking the recipe to try and

Does type of starch used for thickening make a difference in a fruit sauce?

I'm making fruit sauce to spoon, say, over a piece of cheese cake. American recipes typically call for corn starch to thicken it, but around here most people te