Category "marinara"

What is the difference between marinara and spaghetti sauce?

The title pretty much says it: What is the difference between marinara and spaghetti sauce? I Googled and got a bunch of hits but none of the answers left me f

How do I thicken tomato-based pasta sauce without adding starch?

I like to cook from scratch and I like to make my tomato-based pasta sauce (marinara) by cooking fresh tomatoes with herbs etc. However, the cooked tomatoes ar

Marinara Sauce recipe

I've been trying cook Marinara Sauce for a while now, I visited the states and had that sauce in their pizza hut. When I got back i tried cooking the same Pizza

How to prevent liquid-y marinara sauce

I made marinara sauce using NYT Marinara Sauce Recipe, which recommends the 28oz of DOP certified San Marzano tomatoes for pizza sauce. It tasted great, but u

When pureeing tomatoes for a fresh tomato sauce, should you throw out the juices or not?

One benefit is reduced cooking time since you need to evaporate all the juices before the tomatoes start caramelizing. On the other hand, wont these juices cont