Category "proofing"

How do you raise your dough in cold seasons?

It is winter down here in Australia and I find it challenging to find a warm spot to raise my bread dough. What I have been doing is placing the dough in the ov

What kind of flour keeps bread dough from sticking in a proofing basket?

When proofing down in a bread basket (not just a smooth bowl), what kind of flour keeps the dough from actually sticking? Is there a technique that works? Nor

What the advantage of a 'bakers couche' for proofing bread and is it safe?

A bakers couch is just floured fabric, whats the advantage to using it? King Arthur's site says that it promotes chewy, crunchy crust - how's that? If I'm ju

What should I cover bread dough with while it's rising?

If you let (bread) dough rise, the recipe always asks to cover it. Years ago, I read to cover it with a wet towel. Nowadays, I see more and more recipes that as

How should I clean, or care for, a banneton (brotform, proofing basket)?

How should I care for a rattan (cane) banneton? It would seem that washing it in water would eventually warp or ruin the basket since the wood can easily absor

Why proof a baguette seam side up

Why do i need to proof the bread seam up if i pinch the fold? Most of the recipes say to do this on the couche and then roll over and slash . I don't see any d

How do I substitute proofed dried active yeast for fresh yeast?

I have a recipe that calls for fresh yeast, but I want to substitute a particular weight of dried active yeast for the fresh yeast. It seems from this question

Rolls fall flat [closed]

when making yeast rolls mine will rise the first time then not at all the second time most occasions, I read about over rising first round, so

Red spots found in Active Dry yeast

I just proofed my active dry yeast in water and sugar. When I came back a few minutes later, i found small red specks in the yeast mixture. I figured that it wa

Does it matter if I freeze dough before proofing?

I made some pizza dough today and only used 1/3 of it. The other portions I decided to put in the freezer to use later on. I froze them before proofing though.

What are the advantages of "bathed" bread?

There is a technique of making bathed bread. For it, the dough is kneaded as usual, then shaped into a boule, bound in cheesecloth, and submerged in water for t

Using low oven temperature to accelerate proofing

During wintertime it is often cold enough in my apartment that proofing takes much longer than in summer. I'd like to use my oven to create a warmer environment

*Cannot* get that "Oven Spring"

I cannot, for the life of me (no matter what recipe I try), ever get the bread to rise that last bit in the oven. It always falls a bit instead. It proofs nice

Excess flour in banneton after proofing

I finally got around to buying bannetons for my bread baking and just used one for the first time. Worked great! However, I used rice flour to coat the interior

Dough safety and viability after overproofing

We made dough using the below recipe last night, and realised this morning that we had left it at ~70°F (covered) for ~15 hours. Questions: What would be

How do I prevent crust formation when proofing pizza dough?

While proofing, the crust can appear on the dough balls if in contact with air (oxygen). I tried preventing by damp cloth but it still happens. The only thing t

How to store bread dough in the fridge for proofing?

My bread book says that I can store the shaped loaves of white bread with sourdough starter and yeast in the fridge overnight instead of just leaving them to pr

should I let my sourdough loaf proof in the fridge or on the counter?

I've been watching tons of videos on making sourdough recently, and quite a few say to let the sourdough loaf do its final proof, or rise, in the fridge. Is thi

Can you freeze bread dough when it's done proofing to bake later?

Has anyone put bread dough in the freezer overnight (covered), and then tried to bake it straight out of the freezer? I believe you can put it in the fridge,

bread machine loaf size buttons

My sunbeam 5891 does not give specifics on the knead/rise/bake times of each cycle, or what happens when you change the loaf size. Time slightly increases if I