Category "batter"

Beer batter fish, keeping the breading from peeling right off while eating?

A few months back I made beer-batter fish. I don't remember the exact recipe I used but I think I got it from I fried in vegetable oil at 350

Over-stirring muffin mixtures

In muffin recipes, the instructions often say to stir the mixture till "just combined". Why does over-stirring the muffin mixture result in tough muffins? An

How do the batter and technique differ between crepes and pancakes?

What are the different ingredients in crepe mix versus pancake mix? I'd like to try my hand at making crepes from scratch... How is making crepes different

Cooking Toad In The Hole - preventing "burn on"

I've recently cooked Toad in the Hole following this recipe from The first time I used a non-stick metal roasting tray and the second time I used

How to stuff bread puffs (Gougeres)

The other day someone delighted me to a Stuffed Gougere. Mind you, I've made these delicacies at least 50 times, I've never figured out a way to stuff them with

Buttermilk pancake mix is green?

I like making buttermilk pancakes but usually the batter is too much for one day, after I put the mix in the refrigerator, the mix was a greenish color the next

Is it possible to make vegan Yorkshire Puddings?

What could be used as a replacer for the egg in Yorkshire puddings, having tried before nothing quite seems to work properly :(

Given I have to make the batter now to eat in 3-4hrs, what's the best way to store my pancakes (or the batter)?

I'm about to make some pancakes(1) for my daughter, and will want to make some for me and my wife this evening (in about 3-4hrs), since using a single egg shoul

How long does pancake batter last in the fridge?

I'm making a packet mix of pancake batter that doesn't lend itself to partial mixes - it's hard to split "1 egg" as an ingredient. How long would pancake batte

How do I use a convex crepe pan?

I picked up what I believe to be an old cast iron Crêpe pan at the thrift store. I made a batter, and its consistency seems like what I made in the past w

How are chemical leaveners affected by moisture and cool temperature?

This is maybe a more precise way of asking, "what happens to left over batter in the fridge?" This question might have to approached per leavening agent.

Which part of yellow cake batter gives it the yellow cake flavor?

We recently made a cobbler by adding oil, water, and powdered yellow cake mix (from a box) on top of sugary fruit filling and it came of the oven crispy and del

What can I do with batter that has lumpy sugar in it?

I was making a scratch cake, and my sugar (to my chagrin) was inferior. When I beat it into the batter, it turned into many tiny lumps. Has anyone ever figure

What is the name of this batter?

I remember reading and watching videos about it, but haven't ever made it, and I also forgot the name. I want to learn some more of it, find the correct recipe,

How to ferment dosa batter?

I have never been successful in fermenting dosa batter properly in the US. I generally soak urad dal, rice and fenugreek seeds for a few hours and grind them to

How can I keep my waffle iron relatively clean when making waffles?

I do not make waffles overly frequently, but when I do I tend to make a mess of my waffle iron. I use a ladle to place waffle batter in the middle of my waffle

Is it safe to store batter/dough that contains eggs?

I sometimes like to make a large batch of pancake butter or cornbread dough, and fry/bake it whenever I want some freshly made pancakes or cornbread. Both these

Mayonnaise substitute in cake batter

My wife's chicken cake recipe calls for mayonnaise as one of the batter ingredients. In my opinion, mayonnaise is completely unsuitable for high-temperature pro

Are ladyfingers and Genoise made the same way?

I think I have heard somewhere that ladyfingers are made from the same batter as Genoise cake layers. But I don't remember where I heard it, whether the source

How can I modify corn bread recipes to accomodate a wet filling?

I am hoping to make dough cups using a corn bread style dough. My approximate recipe would be, presumably, to par-bake initially, then fill with a pot pie style