Category "brown-sugar"

How to store brown sugar without it becoming hard?

I put a clothes pin on my opened bags of brown sugar and keep them in a dark pantry at room temperature. Since I don't use it very often, it becomes hardened.

Light vs Dark Brown Sugar

Is there a practical difference between light and dark brown sugar? I ask because I've seen many recipes specify one or the other. Do they really behave differe

How can I substitute or make soft brown sugar?

I have just moved to Germany. I haven't yet been able to find brown sugar of the type we have in Australia ie: soft, small grained, slightly sticky in that it

What are the main differences between sugarcane jaggery, rapadura, and panela?

Jaggery, rapadura and panela are very similar ingredients according to their Wikipedia articles. However, jaggery can be made from not only sugarcane but also p

Suggestions for caramel from dark brown (muscovado) sugar?

I'm thinking about making caramels for holiday treats, and as some of the flavors I'm considering are quite intense (and for variety's sake), I'm considering tr

How to quickly soften hard, dried out brown sugar

I had some brown sugar that didn't get properly sealed and so now it's too dry and solid as a rock. What's the quickest way to soften it up and get rid of the

Combining hot melted sugar with cold liquid ingredients

So I was making a corn-syrup-free pecan pie, and it called for a procedure that I've never seen before. To combine the liquids (milk, eggs, vanilla) with the so

I've heard that sugar, and especially brown sugar, loses its flavor over time. Is this true?

I've heard that you can revitalized lumpty or hard brown sugar, but also that doing so doesn't recover the actual flavor. Does baking with other brown sugar th

How to store brown sugar without it becoming hard?

I put a clothes pin on my opened bags of brown sugar and keep them in a dark pantry at room temperature. Since I don't use it very often, it becomes hardened.

How to store brown sugar without it becoming hard?

I put a clothes pin on my opened bags of brown sugar and keep them in a dark pantry at room temperature. Since I don't use it very often, it becomes hardened.

Brown sugar instead of white sugar

I want to replace a white (granulated) sugar in a recipe with brown sugar. Is this a one to one substitution? The original recipe calls for 2 cups white sug

How does "Brownulated" light brown sugar compare with regular light brown sugar?

I'm assuming that the granulated sugar in the bag is easier to work with and won't turn into a hard block. It's also more expensive than the boxed kind. Are the

What is a close alternative to Graeffe brown sugar?

Maybe it's because I'm Belgian and grew up with the Graeffe brown sugar, but I've always found it superior to the hard/crystalline brown sugar you find in store

Do I need hard or soft brown sugar for brownies?

I found a recipe for brownies I want to try. It calls for 1 1/2 cups packed light brown sugar How can I recognize if they mean hard or soft brown sugar?

Can I substitute brown or confectioner's sugar for granulated sugar in sugar cookies?

I'm making sugar cookies and I have ran out of granulated sugar. I only have confectioner's sugar and dark brown sugar left. Can I substitute one of these for

How do you cook margarine with brown sugar without separating?

I have a recipe that calls for melting margarine, adding brown sugar, and boiling a few minutes before pouring it over matzah boards. The problem is that the ma

How to stuff Brown Sugar croissants?

When looking at a recipe about Brown Sugar croissants I found a slight problem. These are supposed to be desserts. However I can't find a way to place the sugar

Properly melting butter and sugar together for butterscotch bar recipe

I've been trying to make butterscotch bars. I'm not a new baker, but I don't have much experience in melting brown sugar and butter together. The recipe (inclu

Making Herman the German starter using brown sugar

I have a recipe for Herman the German cake and starter that calls for white sugar. One of the comments said the person used brown sugar to feed Herman. It was

substituting black treacle/molasses for brown sugar

I would like to replace some of the brown sugar in a dark fruit cake recipe with black treacle (similar to molasses I believe), as I like the rich taste and thi