Category "brown-sugar"

What is the best sugar for sweet short crust pastry?

I am reading an American Pastry & Pies cookbook and they say the sugar granules in sweet short crust pastry stabilize it and recommend using granulated suga

Forgot Brown sugar in cookies

I forgot to add the brown sugar to a cookie mix. I have added all the ingredients including the flour. Can I still add the sugar to the mix?

How do you dry wet brown sugar clumps?

I have seen many people having problem with dry clumps of brown sugar, while I am having a problem of wet clumps of brown sugar. The sugar is in very moist clum

Difference between brown sugar and white sugar?

While visiting a coffee shop with coffee I was offered these two kind of sugar. But don't know about differences between them. And why does brown sugar absorb m

Brown sugar + Bread =?

So I always put bread in my brown sugar just because that what my mom always did, but I never understood why? I think it's supposed to make the brown sugar not

canning a mustard vinegar sauce

I canned a mustard vinegar sauce that contains granulated sugar and brown sugar plus ketchup. I washed the jars in my dishwasher and cleaned the lids in water a

Refination processes for "whole" wheat and sugar in Italy

I heard several times that so called "whole" products (flour and cane sugar) are actually often (not always) built from refined ones "adding back" refined versi

When a recipe calls for brown sugar, could I use white sugar instead? [duplicate]

I don't really use brown sugar that often and I would like to know, if I am baking a recipe that calls for a cup of brown sugar, could I use w

Forgot to add Sugar in cookie dough . Is there any way to add sugar? [duplicate]

While adding ingredients to mixture(for cookies), I forgot to put brown sugar.. Now that when i've baked cookies, what alternate can I add to

How Should I Store Brown Sugar? [duplicate]

How can I store brown sugar as it always gets hard before I can use it all. How do you store brown sugar? Does it need to be refrigerated? Al

Which sugar is used in pastry more often, white or brown? [closed]

Which sugar is used in pastry more often, white or brown? Which sugar provides more taste/flavor?

No Demerara sugar

I have just made an apple pie with a crumble topping for friends coming to lunch. The recipe specified Demerara sugar but I had run out so used dark soft brown

Is this dark muscovado sugar safe to use?

I've got a batch of dark muscovado sugar that I rarely use, sitting in an airtight ziploc bag. Upon opening it today, I noticed that is gone very hard and some

Does brown sugar draw moisture from cimmamon buns which makes them dry out fast?

Since everyone knows that brown sugar hardens fast and it draws moisture from anything moist (bread for example), does the brown sugar in the cinnamon rolls fil

Would it be a good idea to mix brown sugar with white sugar in bread?

I was curious, but would the brown sugar feed the yeast and if I mix both of them would it be a good idea? So I can get the benefits of both sugars. If I were t

What type of baker percentage should one use for brown sugar when compared to white sugar?

I was told not to substitute by Brown sugar by weight since it weighs more. How would I go about substitute then? I saw a few questions addressing this issue,

Blackstrap molasses vs regular molasses

I'm aware of how molasses and refined sugar are made from sugar cane and how brown sugar is white sugar with molasses added back to it. But -- how "different" a

Why is my sugar in my recipe becoming gritty and dry after baking in the oven. This is something new for me

I've been making these dessert snacks for years. The last 2 times I've baked them, the sugar has come out gritty and the butter seems all absorbed. Very dry. M