Category "snail"

What types of snails are made into Escargot?

I am aware that not all snails are edible. Generally speaking, what types of snails are used to make Escargot? What qualities of the snail makes it a good can

How to quickly prepare snails?

How to quickly prepare fresh snails? I've heard snails must be soaked in salted water for a few hours in order to remove the mucus but a friend of mine suggest

How do I know if escargot is fully cooked?

I recently had escargot the first time at at buffet. It wasn't piping hot but I was able to pull the meat out of the shell easily and it was chewy. There are bi

How to best transport bulots - sea snails aka welks?

I've just bought 2 kg bulots in France and would like to drive them home over 1000 km. What's the best option to preserve them? freeze keep in cool* water (car