Category "pantry"

Recommendations for spice organization strategies

Spices have always been the hardest thing for me to keep track of in the kitchen. I'm interested in specific recommendations for hardware (containers, labelin

Which vinegars are essential to keep on hand?

There seems to be a large variety of different vinegars called for in the various recipes I've been trying out lately. I've ended up with a cabinet full of half

What is the difference between various types of flour?

Is there a difference between the various types of flour that you see in the stores (i.e. Cake, Bread, and All-Purpose? Is it really necessary to stock 3 types

What is the difference between various types of flour?

Is there a difference between the various types of flour that you see in the stores (i.e. Cake, Bread, and All-Purpose? Is it really necessary to stock 3 types

Do I need to keep white peppercorns on hand for making stock?

Many classic recipes for chicken stock call for white peppercorns (which are just skinned black peppercorns). I'm looking to trim my pantry list a bit and whi