Category "jam"

How to recover jam that has set too hard?

Every time I make jam I always manage to set it too hard. Is there any way to recover it once it's done this?

Can I convert jam into chutney?

I made a rhubarb jam a little while ago, basically rhubarb, sugar and grated ginger. Its quite gingery. I've now made some duck terrine and fancy serving it

Why is my blueberry jam grainy?

I recently made and canned blueberry jam for the first time, using this recipe and canning instructions. I filled all my jars & canned them, but there was

What is the shelf-life for Homemade Jams?

If I'm making Homemade Jams/Preserves, how long will they last?

What is the shelf-life of store-bought commercially-produced jam?

My question is similar to this one, but about store-bought jam. What is the shelf-life of store-bought jam – i.e. commercially prepared major brands &nda

Is there a way to make jam or chutney without Gelatin / Pectin?

I was wondering if there is a way to make jam without going through a gelatin type product. There is no real motive behind that question, except for curiosity

What is the butter for in a jam recipe?

I made plum jam at the weekend. The recipe I had (from my Good Housekeeping cookbook) wanted me to simmer the plums in water, add sugar and a knob of butter, th

What are the costs to consider when making jam?

I am trying to dertermine what kinds of jam are particularly cost-effective to make at home. I have been given a few bits of equipment for jam making, and am

Possible to freeze jam in glass?

I have read on multiple canning sites that you can freeze jam in glass jars. Has anyone actually done this successfully? Under what circumstances would it be pr

Are there alternative ways to test fruit preserves for doneness?

I've tried twice to make fruit preserves using only the natural pectins in the fruit. The first time with plums where the jam was much to thick, and yesterday o

What's the difference between jam, jelly, and preserves?

I assume the difference in name is due to their cooking processes, but am unsure what exactly makes them different.

Which type of blueberry for making jam?

If I want to make blueberry jam, which type of blueberry should I use? I just bought a pack of blueberry, but I found that the flesh/pulp of them is not blue,

Is a "typical" jam sweeter today than the typical jams of centuries ago?

I have a new early morning snack this week - toast and jam, but after putting the (fridge temp) jam on the toast, I put the whole plate of toast and jam in the

How to recover jam that is too liquid?

I made redcurrant jam some months ago, with sugar/pectin-mix. I used the appropriate amount. However, the mix was very old (+5 years). I tried it anyway. The ja

How to fix the consistency of blueberry jam?

I had purchased a jar of %70 fruit blueberry jam. After consuming about %25 percent of it, I added into the jar some blueberries (10-15) that I purchased recent

How can I keep my jam from overcooking while I process it?

As we've rolled into fruit season this year I've started canning up some jams using a traditional boiling process in my big stock pot (though I'm getting pretty

Large mesh cheesecloth? Straining pulp (not juice) from plums for jam

Each year I have huge quantities of small cherry plums (roughly 2x cherry size). The problem is the pits. Is there a large mesh cheesecloth available I could t

Should I separate grape skins when making jam?

Recipes for grape jam (e.g. from Gourmet) commonly say to separate the skins, puree the skins for inclusion in the jam, cook them, cook the pulp, and remove the

Is there enough pectin in Apples to make jam

I have some surplus cooking apples which I will be trying to make jam with. I can't find pectin in my local supermarket, but they do have "jam sugar", which con

New to jam making - do I need to can?

I am a noob-to-be jam maker and a noob seasoned advice member. I want to make this pectin-free jam recipe; but here is the issue: In English speaking sources, a