Category "braise"

Why braise pork in milk?

Just reading how a high end caterer is fielding requests for pork in milk for Christmas dinner. I've never heard of that. What advantage does braising pork in

Does beef round have a lot of collagen

I think it is well accepted that beef round, which comes from a working part of the cow, is thus tough and needs to be handled properly. From various sources, I

Can I use cream of tartar instead of wine to avoid alcohol in a meat braise or risotto?

I admit it, if I open a bottle of wine to cook with, I am very happy to drink the rest and I need to not do that, but still make my Kümmelfleisch and risot

Brisket been cooking for 4 hours and rock hard -- what am I doing wrong?

I cut it up into 1.5 inch cubes and cooked it at 200 degrees F. I'm trying to make brisket curry and It's just been simmering at that temp for the last 3-4 hour