Category "basil"

Fresh basil storage

How should fresh basil be stored? The packaging suggests that the optimal temperature is around 50°F, but I can't think of anywhere in an average kitchen at

What uses are there for basil flowers?

I have tons of basil in my herb spiral. However, this stuff is precious, and I always feel bad when I throw away the basil flowers when I make pesto sauce. Is

What part to use from fresh Basil leaves?

I was wondering what am I supposed to cut from basil leaves, do I only use the “blade” until the petiole or I should cut that too? I know some thin

When basil gets brown spots, is it still usable?

When I store basil in the fridge, sometimes it gets brown spots. Is it still usable? Is that valid also for Thai basil? Throwing it all away after 2-3 days seem

1/4 cup of shredded basil OR 1/4 cup of basil that is then shredded?

I am thinking of making a Chicken Parmigiana that I found on the Lidia's Italy website - The recipe calls for "1/4 cu

How to reduce bitterness of Basil?

I had some fresh Basil which was going dry, so I decided to make it into a sour cream dip (don't ask me why I didn't think of making a simple pesto before I add

Does pesto go bad?

I have some basil pesto but I'm not sure how long its fridge life is. It is in a sealed container. How long does it last before it is not safe to eat anymore?

How do I neutralize a strong garlic flavor?

I recently made some pesto from scratch and my end result, while delicious, was overpowered by a strong garlic flavor, and not entirely in a good way. I'm talki

Would one use holy basil to make pesto sauce? Are there other culinary uses?

I got some holy basil seeds (via mail) from a guy on an internet forum. I planted them and they are growing nicely. They taste similar to thai basil. Would one

Painted Pony beans pate

I'm going to make a pate using Painted Pony beans as a base. I want to add roasted walnuts, but I don't know whether basil and garlic would be acceptable to put

Basil - to wash or not to wash? Best practices?

I know that washing basil weakens it's flavor significantly. I often buy it from local supermarkets where everyone can touch it, that's why I just have to wash

To achieve maximum flavour is it better to cut or tear basil leaves?

When I add basil to a dish should I tear or cut basil leaves? Does it matter?

Basil Pesto and Cream Cheese dip

I made a dip with basil pesto covering cream cheese with grated parmesan cheese over it all. Can I keep the dip (tightly covered) for 4 days without the pest

When to add fresh basil to a tomato sauce?

Is it better to add fresh basil to a tomato sauce and then let it cook for say, 10 mins, or wait till the end and add just before serving?

Which kind of basil should I use?

I'm new to cooking and I was planning to make a recipe I saw on TV with pasta. One ingredient is basil. The chef on the show advised always to use fresh herbs;

Convert fresh basil leaves to a dry measurement

I have a recipe that calls for 12 fresh basil leaves. How do I convert that to a dry measurement?

How can one use Thai basil stems and flowers?

What parts, besides the leaves of Thai Basil, are usable? I am making Thai Basil Chicken (Gai Pad Krapow) using the leaves but can I use the stems and flowers

Is it safe to drink the water that basil seeds are soaked in?

Is it safe to drink the water that basil seeds are soaked in? Also would it be okay to drink that water with and/or without removing the soaked seeds? Thanks a

Can basil flowers be substituted for basil leaves to make tea?

Can you use the basil flowers just like the leaves to make tea?

Basil lookalike that tastes like aniseed.

I bought a herb on the market, thinking it was fresh basil. What I know for sure now, is that this isn't basil. It has a taste that reminds me of anise and fenn