Category "presentation"

Achieve crosshatch on grilled pork chop?

I know that putting a crosshatch on a pork chop won't increase its flavor but I like the presentation. Generally, I either rotate my chops too early or too late

When is it appropriate to serve shrimp with the tail still attached?

I ate at a local Italian dive last night and ordered Shrimp Fra Diavolo, which included a spicy sauce served over linguini noodles. The dish was great, but the

Tips/resources for learning how to plate dishes

I'm getting close to pulling the trigger on a couple books about plating from Amazon (Food Styling, by Custer, Dishing with Style, by Trovato, perhaps Culinary

How can I fix an unpleasant color in a dish?

Last night, I made a Peperonato pasta sauce. It was delicious, but when I added the balsamic vinegar at the end of the dish and then cooked it off (leaving a sw

How can I improve the presentation of the food I serve?

Cooking great tasting food is an art of it's own, but to create a restaurant quality dish requires the food to be professionally presented. I have no formal tr

How to warm plates before serving?

I realize that serving on warmed dishes is preferable to serving on cold/room temp dishes, so as not to leach the heat out of your freshly-cooked food. How ca

How to rice potatoes

I was wondering if anybody know a method to rice potatoes without them turning into mashed potatoes. When I do it to raw potatoes, they mush or just stay too c

Kids Lunch box - suggestion for fruit smoothie packaging

Could you suggest how to package a home made fruit smoothie to make it appealing to young children. The kids seem to love fruit tubes by innocent in their lunch

How to serve oranges so it is easy for guests to enjoy them?

Usually I just cut them into 6 pieces (see image), but it's kind of messy to eat them this way. Is there a better way?

How to layer a Lasagne

I have a made a number of meat lasagne's that taste great (IMHO) but I have always had a problem getting them to preserve that "layered" effect. When it is cook

Why do chefs finish with olive oil?

I watch cooking shows often. I see chefs finish a dish with olive oil. Why do chef's finish their dish with olive oil? What is the reasoning for this? Is it

What is the proper/most common way to serve curry?

I went to a Thai restaurant this afternoon and ordered Massaman curry, which I've never had before. When I make curry at home, I usually mix it with chicken and

Coloring ham green

It has come to my attention that in the book "Green Eggs and Ham", the property "green" is applied to both the eggs and the ham. How can I achieve this effect (

How should I layer the ingredients in a taco salad?

When making taco salad, I often run into problems: If the beans or sour cream come in contact with the tortilla chips, the chips will become soggy. If the chee

How can I keep pasta shapes intact?

I frequently make wagon wheel (rotelle) pasta (Racconto brand and probably others) for my kids, but the shapes rarely stay intact. Pieces of the outer edges of

What is this technique where they add a thick sauce and spread it out with the back of a spoon

I'm sorry my question is so vague but I'm trying to research a technique but have no idea how to describe it. If you review the picture below, you can see the

How to make modeling chocolate shiny?

I have modeling chocolate panels I am using for a cake. They have a very soft shine from being smooth, but I was hoping to bring them to a higher shine. I had w

Can lettuce wraps be less messy?

Tonight's dinner was a beef with rice wrapped in lettuce leaves. It was tasty, but very messy and time-consuming to wrap. Is there some trick to this that makes

What "all-in-one" single serving tea device(s) are sturdy, make "teapot quality" loose leaf tea, and are two pieces or less?

I am looking for a convenient office/portable tea making/drinking system. Ideally the device should be portable and very easy to clean in an office setting and

How do I roll or wrap up pasta into a log-like shape for presentation?

How do I roll or wrap up pasta into a log-like shape for presentation? Example 1, Example 2, Example 3 Do they use some kind of tool to wrap the pasta arou