Category "presentation"

Sugar/salt frosted around the top of a cup/mug

Recently I managed to accidentally get a bunch of raw sugar crystals stuck to the rim of a mug of tea. Drinking the tea over the sugar, being able to balance o

During flambé, what is the powder that is shaken into the fire to create sparks?

My apologies for a lack of link, although hopefully my description will suffice. I saw some transient video of chefs making Bananas Foster in, I believe, New Or

Where to buy football/quenelle/shell-like scoop/mold/mould [food presentation]?

Some places serve rice in a football/quenelle/shell-like shaped scoop/mold/mould for food presentation. It's consistent at many teriyaki places so I suspect it'

Pastry not "sticking" to beef Wellington

I've cooked a Wellington a couple of times and whilst I've been pleased with the overall outcome on each occasion the pastry comes away when serving. This is pu

Preparing dishes for photos

Some times it can be difficult for me to get the right look of a dish in a photo. I have used extra butter for a more glossy look, swapped corn starch for flou

Make quinoa sticky like rice?

I make a nice curry, and for presentation I would like to place the quiona on top of curry as shown in this picture: But to be able to do that, my quiona need

Presentation - How to make a Tiramisu to be photogenic?

Sorry if this is the wrong forum. I can make a nice Tiramisu but the photo does not look good. I make Tiramisu, get a slice of it and photograph it. Challenge i

Why does dried pasta say "Do not reheat" on the packet?

I've noticed quite a few packets of durum wheat semolina (supermarket own-brand dried pasta) has this warning. This applies to macaroni and spaghetti etc. but s

Is there somewhere I can see a diverse range of plating options?

I'm not very good at plating, but I'm okay at copying ways that other chefs have plated their foods. I recently watched a video where two chefs make and plate a

Are there any types of food that have magnetic properties?

In terms of food presentation, I thought it would be spectacular to have it float or levitate above the table instead of being served on a plate. Hence I wonder

Why add a sunny-side up egg? [closed]

On Food Network, a lot of the shows add a sunny-side up egg to their dish, perhaps to make it more "elegant". Some examples: burgers, veal cu

What dough recipes are suitable for "shaping" with a piping bag?

I have made cookies based on this recipe, and we have really liked the taste. The appearance was not ok but not perfect, partly because my make-a-ball-and-flatt

Are there negative effects of freezing clarified stock?

I have clarified some chicken stock using the ice filtration method. Are there any negative effects to re-freezing this newly clarified stock (such as becoming