Category "kitchen"

Is it worth to install a gas stove with a big gas bottle in the kitchen?

There are several options when it comes to choosing a stove. From my own experience, electric stoves are not really that great. I guess most households have the

Timing cooking: methods / workflow

I'm looking for methods to improve timing or workflow during cooking. How to multi-task effectively, getting the maximal amount of differing dishes on the table

Tips for a small kitchen

I enjoy cooking but have a seriously small kitchen. There is only about 3 ft of work surface and that has kettle and toaster on it. I have a fair amount of shel

How to get rid of weevils?

At first I thought they are plain moths, until I noticed some larvae climbing towards the ceiling, always in the kitchen. I made an inventory and discovered a p

Dishwasher safe lids for copper cookware?

I have a copper cookware set. I understand that the copper portion isn't dishwasher safe, but what about the lids? I assume since they have no copper on them,

When should I ditch a pot with teflon? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:How to know whether the teflon coated pan's life has reached end? We have this set of teflon covered pots, how do

What techniques and tips do you have for keeping an organized, clean work area while you cook? [closed]

I've heard of the Mise en Place principle in professional cooking which means literally "everything in it's place". Professional cooks applyin

How can I keep flies out of my kitchen?

I'm very concerned about food safety, but at the same time, I like to keep windows open when I cook to get in a lot of fresh air. Unfortunately, this has the b

Smoke alarms go off now that we have a gas stove didn't when we had electric

Our smoke alarms are constantly going off while cooking now that we have had to replace our stove. My wife didn't really like the electric so when it was necess

How to keep insects away

I live in a warm country, cockroaches are endemic here, and I do my utmost to keep them out. However, occasionally one will sneak past my defenses. Is my kitc

What is the best place to store garlic in the kitchen?

I've been at a friend's house. When I looked for the garlic I the fridge my friend said garlic doesn't go in the fridge. But another friend said garlic lasts lo

Please tell me what this kitchen tool is called and its use, specifically

This vintage tool is stamped "Guelon, France." I believe it is some type of zester, but I cannot find an image of it anywhere online, nor any info on it. Pleas

Roasting rack? I'm stumped as to what this is....Help! :)

A friend gave me a bunch of her old inherited cooking accoutrement and I'm not entirely sure what the function of this is. Anyone know?

Best way to remove fruit flies from your kitchen

I have a confession to make. I was lazy, I didn't think it would cause any harm, but it did. And now they are back. The fruit flies have taken over my kitchen,

What makes up the typical "spice drawer needs a deep cleaning" scent?

This might be considered a half humorous question, but I am still curious here. There is that typical smell that clings to your hands after rummaging around in

How can I remove surface rust from a cleaver and keep it off

I was in Amish country in Ohio last weekend and found this in an antique shop. It seemed interesting and reasonably priced so I bought it. I did notice the surf

Cabinets at the top of the wall, what goes there? [closed]

I recently got a new house and (unlike my current house) the kitchen has cabinets going all the way to the ceiling. These cabinets are unreach

How to get all the rice out of the pan?

Often when cooking rice a lot of it ends up sticking to the bottom of the pan and gets wasted. I'm using a frying pan with a non-stick surface. Is there a way t

How can I remove oil spots from kitchen floor? [closed]

Sometimes during cooking oil drops falls in floor, and look ugly. How can I remove these types of oil spots from floor?

Can I use stainless steel scrub to clean regular dishes?

I know stainless steel scrubs are usually for cleaning tough spots out of stainless steel woks and pans. I use a regular kitchen sponge for my bowls and plates.