Category "beef-tallow"

Can I safely mix beef tallow and canola oil in a tabletop fryer with a submersible element?

I'm working on Belgium-style frites at home and would like to get as close as possible to the traditional recipe. I know that they would traditionally be doubl

Why does tallow taste overpoweringly different from saturated fat from the same animal?

I enjoy the fat(saturated) that comes out of meat and chicken so decided to try tallow(the fat from suet that the butchers usually discard) and add more of it t

Best way to preserve excess tallow long-term

I received a shipment of eight 14oz bottles of grass-fed beef tallow. I will use one bottle right away. What is the best way to preserve the rest of the seven?

Deep frying with tallow in a stainless steel pot

I do not have access to a cast iron pot, only a thin, lightweight stainless steel pot. Will I be able to deep fry potato slices in beef tallow in it? I am a

Can I rely on smell to tell if rendered animal fat is bad?

I've started storing rendered tallow (beef fat) in a glass jar on my kitchen counter at room temperature. The jair has a lid but is not air tight. Is it okay

What is helping fried fish have more flavour?

Recently I’ve been frying some sea bass with salt and different oils. I noticed when the surface of the Fried fish is more crispy it tastes better and als

how can i make 100% odorless tallow?

i used fresh beef suet. wet rendered twice. i made sure to not increase the heat too much (it barely simmered). but its smell didn't go away. it smells like bee

Is it possible to make tallow smell like sausage instead of tallow?

Mix the liquid tallow with a bunch of spices, that's it? Works for ground beef that has 40% fat