Category "offal"

How do I cook lamb tongues?

They're cheap and delicious. (I had them at Fergus Henderson's restaurant in London.) But I have no idea what to do with them. All I've read appears to say to

Can I cook my haggis from frozen?

It's Burn's Night and I want to cook some Haggis. I froze my Haggis over a week ago. The packet advises to 'fully defrost before cooking'. After which it advise

What is fat tripe?

I was just in Santiago, Chile and had a mixed grill. One of the tasty items was "Tripa gorda" or fat tripe. But, I wasn't able to get a clear answer about exa

easiest way to peel/skin a tongue?

So I've boiled a couple lamb tongues -- as per this recipe -- and have them cool enough to handle, however I'm having difficulty peeling the skin/film off them

What is the difference between tripe and offal?

Simple enough question. What is the difference between offal and tripe? I think they are both made from the less desireable parts of the animal but would like

What temperature(s) should sweetbreads be cooked to?

It is very easy to find quick references for the various doneness temperatures (rare, med. rare, etc.) of different animal meats, but not so easy when it comes

Does anyone cook/eat bladders?

There's a few places in the world that really don't waste any part of an animal when it comes to cooking, but I've yet to see any form of cooked bladders. Is

Do sprats need to be gutted?

Do you need to gut sprats before cooking & eating them? i.e. is it safe to eat them (so long as they're cooked). do they taste ok (to the average non-sque

How can chicken offal be cooked to be as tender as possible?

Tonight I cooked a dish involving chicken hearts and gizzards, but I found conflicting instructions on the internet, so I essentially parboiled the offal, diced

Is there any harm to eat cooked renal pelvis in lamb kidney?

I googled many forums listed in google and found people just say that cooked renal pelvis in lamb kidneys are stringy and chewy. That sounds to me like people a

Why isn't liver bitter?

I know that the liver is the organ that produces bile. I also know that it has a lot of bile ducts leading to a hepatic duct. Given that all of this bile duct a

Haggis - taste difference between traditional and artificial casing

Haggis, though considered purely Scottish could possibly have originated in the North of England. It appears that the earliest known recipe/method is from the

Are chicken gizzards celiac safe?

Wheat is frequently included in chicken feed. Partially-digested wheat, therefore, would likely be present in chickens' gizzards before butchering. However, th

Discarding ox heart fat

Most instructions detailing how to prepare ox heart often say something along the lines of "discard any fat and sinew". Is there any reason why I shouldnt keep

Substitute dried pig's blood for fresh

I have some dried pig's blood (fresh is not at all easy to buy in my country), which I wish to use in recipes where fresh blood is called for. How much dried bl

What is this piece of fatty thing, inside a fish (a large snapper) which was near the roe?

I had a quite large female snapper, it had large amount of fish roe, but nearby it was an interesting piece looking like pure piece of fat, quite hard and solid