Category "sushi"

How can I tell if a fish can safely be prepared "crudo"?

Is there something you can look for? Am I left to the seller's word and my own discernment?

What exactly is "Sushi Grade" fish?

What exactly makes some fish "Sushi Grade"?

Why do you have to rinse rice?

I'm interested in learning to make my own sushi. Every guide I have read has stressed that the rice has to be rinsed thoroughly. The bags of rice I generally

What's the best way to store unused sushi rice?

Let's say, I only want to make 1 sushi roll right now. Is there a good way to store the rest of the rice for tomorrow's rolls? And what about storing the nori

Cutting Sushi Rolls

I am new to making sushi and have gotten the hang of rolling it with the nori on the outside. The problem is when I am trying to cut it into individual pieces,

How do I prepare prawns such that they are straight after boiling/steaming?

I'd like to make a sushi roll or a vietnamese prawn roll but can't seem to get the prawns to straighten, which would make them much easier to roll up. They were

What is the proper way to cool sushi rice after cooking?

I've heard a couple of suggestions for cooling the rice prior to making rolls and both seem to contradict each other. What works for you guys (and gals)? What

How to adjust for humidity when making rice?

Years ago, I ate at Sushi Yasuda in New York. After I went, I was reading up on the chef, and an article about him mentioned that he accounted for air humidity

How can I make a chocolate cup that looks like the seaweed on a sushi roll?

I want to make a dessert that simulates a salmon roe sushi (like this) using rice pudding and spherified melon juice with a chocolate "seaweed" wrapping. But I

Vinegar Alternatives and rice combinations in making sushi rice

What are some of the alternatives in vinegar for making sushi rice? I know it's best to use rice vinegar, but has anyone ever tried it with white wine vinegar,

Is it safe to eat raw fish?

Raw chicken is generally considered not safe to eat. A lot of people eat sushi/sashimi though, and they are made from raw fish. So, how come that's safe (if it

What white fish can be used in rolled sushi?

I have been making sushi using salmon and tuna for a while, but i would like to know it there are any firm white fleshed fish that will work well in a rolled su

Is sushi so difficult?

I've read somewere in the net that sushi is an extremely difficult food to prepare. It will take at least one year just to learn to cook the rice, and ten year

How Long Can I Keep Uncooked Sushi Rice?

I only prepare sushi rice a few times a year, so it takes me a while to go through even the smallest of bags. How long can I keep the bag for before it "goes b

Japanese term for when the Sushi chef prepares meal for you

What is the Japanese term for when the sushi chef prepares a sushi meal for you based on what the sushi chef deems to be fresh and good, as well as what you wou

Is it possible to have sushi pizza?

I've found very few places that dare to combine those two in one dish. None of them succeeded, in my opinion. At first I thought it was due to mixing rice and

Do I have to discard leftover sushi?

We had a party Monday night and ordered Sushi for 20 people - about 25 percent of the Sushi went uneaten, mostly plain rolls like tuna and yellow tail. I would

What to consider when learning to make sushi at home?

I like eating sushi and think it would be a fun experiment to attempt making sushi at home. I've seen rolls put together in a restaurant a couple times - looks

What can be substituted for vinegar in sushi rice?

If you could not use rice vinegar (for reasons of food allergy, perhaps), what could you use instead in sushi rice?

Can the amount of salt in the recipe be right?

I made sushi for the first time at the weekend. the seasoning for the rice had this recipe: 125 ml rice vinegar 30 ml mirin 3 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons