Category "sushi"

Can store bought salmon be used for sashimi?

Is it safe to consume raw fish purchased at the fish counter of a typical suburban grocery store? If not, do you have any tips for finding sushi grade fish. Als

Black Rice Vinegar for Sushi

Can I use black rice vinegar for sushi rice? (Chinkiang Vinegar) What is the difference to white rice vinegar when making sushi? Should I still add sugar and

How do I make spicy mayonnaise like Japanese restaurants use for sushi?

I've tried mixing mayonnaise and hot sauce together and it didn't taste right at all. Any Suggestions?

Why is my sushi rice too sticky?

I'm on a quest of learning how to prepare a more than edible sushi. I figured that with enough practice I can achieve the goal of being able to make sushi. The

how do you get sushi rice to not stick to your hands?

I am laying out my sushi rice by forming it into a ball with my hands and spreading it on the nori. I watched some video tutorials on this, and it seems like th

Which types of fish in sushi must be cooked?

Sushi fish is raw... except for eel, which is a fish but is cooked. Are there other types of fish that are cooked in sushi? Is this a food safety issue? (e.g. s

The art of Sushi: using wasabi to kill parasites

I've been to many sushi places and last night I went to a place that I've been to before (not that long ago either). When the sushi came, we noticed that it had

How to sweeten pickled ginger to be served with sushi?

I bought a jar of pickled ginger from the local asian food market to go along with the sushi I have been preparing at home. This texture of this ginger is hard

How often is it safe to eat sushi?

Assuming the fish is prepared properly and is sushi grade, how many times per week can I eat sushi without having to worry about mercury poisoning and/or health

de-parasiting mackerel for sushi

We've bought some fresh sushi-grade mackerel, and would like to make saba sushi from it. We were told that we should treat it with vinegar to kill any parasites

How does one stop sushi seaweed wrapping being too chewy?

When we make home-made sushi, we often find that the seaweed wrapping (or nori) is too chewy. The seaweed we buy is from the local supermarket, and nothing fan

What is in eel sauce?

I've always love eating this dark eel sauce that goes with eel rolls at our favorite sushi restaurants. It's got a dark color it's sweet, a little salty, and sl

How long in fridge for sushi steaks?

I ordered some sushi grade steaks online. They came frozen, as they were shipped with dry ice to keep them nice and cold. Frozen, I cut them into pieces and p

Mushy sushi surimi texture?

I've noticed a difference between most places when I go out for sushi compared to when I make it myself. The crab sticks / surimi in maki rolls when I go out

What is the origin of spam musubi, a Hawaiian dish?

I love spam musubi...basically spam sushi. It is made with some rice(some people use sushi rice)' a 1/4" slice of spam, and some teriyaki is wrapped

How to dress sushi to better enhance all its flavours?

I would like to know what is the better way to dress sushi and sashimi. What I am looking for is how it was thought to be eaten and what are the ways a sushi pi

What is the best rice for sushi?

I love making sushi at home - it is a satisfying and delicious experience that is very quick and easy (and I can use whatever food is leftover in the house). H

What are the odds that American household have a rice cooker? [closed]

We started a Kickstarter project of creating an e-book with online videos to show you how to make sushi, from a master sushi chef. We are wo

Stove top Sushi rice - Which method?

I am planning to have my first attempt at making sushi by myself in a few days. Right now, I am still struggling with the rice and it's cooking. Many recipes/tu

Understanding the steps to prepare sushi rice

I'm looking for the equivalent of Peter Reinhart's twelve steps for making bread applied to sushi. Basically, a detailed list of steps and the explanation of wh