Category "salad"

Alternatives to serve with a tomato salad [closed]

This weekend we are making a Tomato and Chorizo salad. The recipie suggests serving it with goats cheese and ham, but we don't really fancy th

Types of vinegars used for salads

I was told by someone that rice vinegar was not suitable to be used in a salad dressing. Can only certain types of vinegars be used for salads?

What can I substitute for Mayonnaise in a traditional potato salad?

I wanted to make a Potato Salad that was going to be exposed to fairly extreme heat during an upcoming picnic and wanted to make sure it wouldn't spoil as quick

What's a good nondairy substitute for parmesan/grana padano as a salad-topper?

I'm making a salad that's quite bitter (endives, radicchio, arugula, with a lemon vinaigrette dressing). Normally this salad has peeled grana padano on top of i

What is the name of the middle eastern salad containing Tomato and Cucumber?

Not sure if there is an proper name, had it in Israel but have seen it (or similar variations) in Moroccan restaurants (in the US). Comprised of primarily dice

what is the purpose of adding oil to balsamic vinaigrette slowly?

I've been making a lot of vinaigrette dressing lately. Julia Child and Emeril both say that you need to mix up everything but the olive oil, then add the olive

How should chicken breasts for a chicken salad be cooked?

Most of the recipes I've seen for Chicken Salad simply call for "cooked chicken". ...okay, but how? Should I bake it? Blanch it? Sautee it? Grill it? Wha

Fruit salad with tomatoes

In a recent trip to my local supermarket with the intention of purchasing items for a fruit salad, I picked up some oranges, bananas, lemons, grapefruit, and a

Making Subway-like salads at home w/ zero work

I often buy salads at Subway because I'm lazy. However, I'm also cheap, and Subway's markup on salads is quite high. I want to buy items at a supermarket and

What's the best pasta, and cooking approach, for making pasta salad?

I love the pasta salad you can buy in shops and would love to be able to make something comparable. The part that I love the most is the dense, thick pasta tha

What fruit pair well with spinach?

What fruit pair well with spinach? This is for a cold spinach-based salad rather than cooked spinach, but I'd be interested in warm spinach too.

Advice on preparing/incorporating sprouts in salads?

Alfalfa/Bean sprouts can have a strong taste or they are too firm to chew on easily. I tried adding salt or salty ingredients with some success to soften the sp

What is the fastest way to cook a Meat Salad?

Meat salad is made with large sized sausages, chopped into thin pieces like carrots or cucumber; then steamed and fried a bit, then served together with regular

How do I incorporate cucumbers into cole slaw?

I am entertaining the idea of making a spicy (apple cidar vinegar, sriracha,etc) cole slaw and am looking to temper the heat a bit with cucumber. Is the best op

How can I cook the perfect potato for a potato salad?

I have never managed to cook the perfect potato when making a potato salad. The potato tends to either be too mushy or it is too crunchy depending on if I ove

What is the critical ratio of eggs to potatoes between an egg salad and a potato salad? [closed]

It's probably not a one to one ratio. Do you have any suggestions?

Salads that are made of tomatoes, onion, chilli, coriander, salt and lemon

Recently I've been making salads that are made of tomatoes, onion, chilli, coriander, salt and lemon. Then, I eat them with bread. I have no idea where this rec

Salad onions -- any way to make them sweet but not soft? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:How do I tone down the intensity of raw onion? I like the taste of caramelized onions (I think Ruhlman's book had

How long would you keep this Caesar dressing?

My Caesar dressing contains the following: mayonnaise, parmesan cheese, lemon juice, worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, fresh ground pepper. How long do you t

Benefits of vinaigrette vs. pouring oil and vinegar separately on salad?

I was reading Essentials of classic Italian cooking by Marcella Hazan where I noticed she first pours a lot of olive oil to "protect the salad" from the vinegar