Category "salad"

Is it worth tearing lettuce for salad?

I have read that cut lettuce is more likely to brown on the edges than torn lettuce. The stated reasoning is that the lettuce leaves will tear between cell boun

What is the difference between a wilted salad and a massaged salad?

What is the general difference between preparations and use cases of a wilted salad compared to a massaged salad? As many wilted salad recipes call for warm dre

What is the cellular activity behind massaged greens?

Most recipes I have seen and used call for greens (kale, chard, collard, turnip, beet, etc) to be massaged in salt and/or lemon juice (or other acidic liquid) f

How do I prevent tomatoes from falling in a green salad?

When making a green salad, I have taken to grating carrots instead of dicing them so they will mix better with the leaves. I can't grate tomatoes. No matter ho

Why is there sugar in a seven-layer salad?

I just discovered the existence of the seven-layer salad. It looks nice to me, but when I was looking for recipes, one thing caught my eye: all recipes that I c

How can you prevent the lettuce from wilting if covered with something hot?

If I want to make a shrimp salad, I put the lettuce and other raw vegetables on the plate, cook the shrimps and put them on the veggies. However, after a minute

What is the closest substitute for the cheese in urnebes?

Urnebes is a Serbian salad that contains cheese. Searching for recipes for said salad, I noticed that there are a lot of difference in the chosen cheese. Some s

How should I layer the ingredients in a taco salad?

When making taco salad, I often run into problems: If the beans or sour cream come in contact with the tortilla chips, the chips will become soggy. If the chee

Why must potato salad be placed in the refrigerator before serving?

Many recipes for potato salad state that one should place the salad in the refrigerator after preparing. Some recipes state that one hour is enough. Others ask

Salad ingredients: how to pick them at the market?

I often make salads with lettuce and a few vegetables (perhaps some of carrot, celery, bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, green beans, snap peas). I can plan the in

Squeezing excess water from seaweed

I was making seaweed salad for the first time tonight and had just finished soaking my wakame for some time. I rinsed it and put it in a colander, but just cou

What are the pros/cons of serving the salad dish before/after the main dish?

I have noticed that most people in the US serve the salad course before the main dinner course. However, my Italian relatives and my boyfriend's Italian relativ

Why is there liquid in my macaroni salad, potato salad and tuna salad the day after making them?

When I make potato salad, macaroni salad, tuna salad, and sometimes ham salad, it seems like there's always a puddle of excess liquid at the bottom of the stora

Which parts of a spring onion should I use in a pasta salad?

The recipe I've got (Commonsense cooking, page 211) for a pasta salad lists spring onion (green onion/scallions) as an ingredient, but doesn't say which part to

What is this sandwich-salad dish?

I found this open-faced sandwich-like creation in several French-style bakeries in East Asia. The bottom is a narrow piece of toast. On top of this toast the d

What is the shelf life of my home made coleslaw dressing?

I made about a gallon of dressing today from Kraft mayo, apple cider vinegar, and sugar. What is the shelf life of this? Also, what is the shelf life of balsa

How oil changes the taste of salads?

Almost every salad recipes I've read needs some oil. What's its effect on vegetables? How does it change the flavor? If oil is not used for the taste, why is

How to thicken garlic dressing

Nineteen times out of twenty when I make a salad dressing from olive oil, salt, dill, garlic and apple cider vinegar, blended in a pint measuring cup with an el

Name of the sauce/salad eaten with roast dinners up north UK

Its a sauce that contains lettuce and vinegar to eat with roast dinner and can be eaten with chips and cold meat in Newcastle, UK.

Lemon juice and kale/green leaf lettuce salad produces a very horseradish-y taste and smell

This is the strangest thing I've ever experienced with food. I have a salad, a kale and green leaf lettuce salad, sprinkled with lemon juice. As I'm eating it