Category "lemon"

Lemon and Mint drink

I once had a delicious lemon and mint drink on a flight with Qatar airways, but I have no idea what it was or how it might have been made. Does anyone know what

How can I make this antique ginger wine recipe using ingredients available today?

I have this old family ginger wine recipe, but some of the ingredients are hard to find or may not exist any more... Essence of Ginger 12mls Tincture of Capsic

Are there benefits to using a lemon squeezer?

There are lots of products on the market to ease lemon squeezing. I've never used any of them. Are there any benefits to using one? What are some of the advan

How to keep fresh lemon juice for a week without a change in its taste?

Are there any way to preserve the juice of lemon for, say, one week without a change in its taste? Even deep-freezing it makes it little bit bitter!

How much juice is in a lemon?

A lot of recipes call for the "juice of a lemon". I keep a bottle of lemon juice in the fridge as this is easier, cheaper and more convenient than buying lemons

How would you use a lot of lemons?

We've got a lemon tree and an overabundance of lemons at the moment. Aside from lemonade, what should I do with them?

What is bakery emulsion and how is it different from flavoring extract?

I was in Ross for Less and saw (and bought) a bottle of lemon bakery emulsion because it just sounded good. Looking online it seems that it is a one for one re

Is there a use for the rind after making Citrus Sugar?

I have made Citrus Sugar and am now separating the lemon (and/or orange) rind from the sugar. Now I am wondering is there any use for the leftover citrus rind?

What north atlantic fish can we use to make a good ceviche?

I am planning to do a ceviche entrée in Ireland but I am limited in the choice of seafood and most likely won't find Peruvian/Pacific ones. Any recommend

Are ripe meyer lemons supposed to be soft?

At the grocery store they were selling meyer lemons in mesh bags, they all seemed to be much softer than an ordinary lemon. Are meyer lemons supposed to be a ve

curdling cream in lemon spaghetti

My question is about adding heavy cream or half 'n half to a dish. Olive oil is in a skillet over low heat. Next add lemon juice, a ladle of pasta cooking water

Is acid-marinated raw chicken still safe after several days?

I marinated chicken five days ago in lemon juice, seasoned salt, and garlic powder, is it still safe to cook in the oven?

Is there a way to speed up the process of making preserved lemons?

I really like preserved lemons, but I often find that I don't plan properly and don't time the month long wait properly. Is there a way to speed this process up

How do I find tart pans like these?

I want to make a lemon tart, but I want tins with straight walls, like the ones in this image. How would I find them - is there a name I can look for? I've b

How to balance out sourness of lemon juice, specifically in a mayonnaise?

I've just made some mayonnaise, and it's turned out fine - texture wise. However, I used too much lemon juice when I made it. What are the possible ways to bala

What causes lemons to be bitter when cooked and how to avoid it?

I know that the bitter taste in lemons is due to the rind (the white part), but I don't understand why there are recipes where it's ok and others where the tast

Adding lemon to cookie recipe

What is the best way to add lemon flavor to a cookie recipe? I know lemon juice is highly acidic, I don't want to throw off the PH of the dough. Is lemon extrac

How do I freeze and defrost lemons?

Assuming that once defrosted, I'd most likely use them for their juice (but not exclusively; I occasionally use the peel for zest, whole slices for cooking with

Will microwaving lemons make them easier or more efficient to juice?

I've heard many people say that microwaving lemons before juicing them causes them to release more juice. I'm skeptical, although not enough so to ask this on S

In what container should I put lemon water for storage?

I have a polypropylene water container and some large PET bottles. I don't know if it's OK to put lemon water in there. I read from somewhere that you shouldn't