Category "learning"

What are some good resources for learning Knife Skills? [closed]

What are some good resources for learning knife skills? Specifically, is there anywhere that I can see video demonstration of different slicin

Which food writers do you take to bed? [closed]

Which food books (and I'm thinking books on food and cooking rather than recipe books) do you find on your bedside cabinet rather than on the

Are the Jacques Pépin videos worth it for a novice?

I have Pépin's "Complete Techniques" book and find it interesting but a little hard to follow at times. I wonder if the DVD "The Complete Pépin" i

Can I learn to cook from a book?

I want to improve my cooking skills and have considered following a number of books that call themselves cookery courses (e.g. Delia's complete cookery course,

How to correctly use a whisk?

I've tried many times to whip some cream or egg whites with a simple whisk, but I feel tired after about a minute of whipping, and I do not obtain good results

How can I train myself to identify flavors better?

I'd love to be able to cook well and I think a part of that is identifying flavors. We all have different palates, but there are probably some basic techniques

What are good instructional cooking TV shows?

In the spirit of Aaronut's comment on my answer to TV Programs like Good Eats, what are good shows for people to really learn about cooking (the science behind

How to complement a dish?

I really love cooking the "main feature" of a meal... I love doing the meat - steak, chicken breasts, you name it, I love it. But when it comes to making the

How to learn to cook? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:Resources for a beginner learning to cook What's a good way to learn cooking and avoid the current trend of my lif

How to cook meat? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:What is the secret of making a really juicy burger? Well I want to be more independent and cook for my self. How c

How should I choose my next step as a cook?

I'm a reasonably competent home cook: I can roast a chicken, bake bread, improvise a dinner with what's in the fridge, etc, but I'm looking to step up my game a

How to understand flavors and when to use combination of them?

I want to be a home cook and at some stage to become a chef having my own café or restaurant. Marco Pierre White always says when he likes a dish in mas

What are strategies to identify restaurants where you will learn as much as possible?

How do I identify restaurants that offer excellent training/education? I considered looking at the number of chefs that learned at a certain restaurant and afte

Preparing To Teach Someone How to Bake a Whole Wheat Yeast Bread

I'm going to be teaching a friend how to bake bread. She has never baked bread or had any experience with a bread-like dough. Since it'll be a one-day thing, it