Category "garlic"

Is there any difference between chopped and crushed garlic in cooking?

Often recipes say to chop garlic, but I usually cheat and just crush it as it's quicker. Is there any difference in doing this? Will it have much of an effect o

How does the way that I cut my garlic affect the taste of my food?

I've seen recipes that called for coarsely chopped garlic and recipes that called for finely chopped or minced garlic. What affect does that cut have on the fin

Substituting garlic powder for garlic salt?

I love using garlic powder but I also see recipes call for garlic salt. I thought that you could just add garlic powder instead of garlic salt (which of course

How long should I saute garlic?

I always have trouble figuring out how long to saute garlic for before adding it to a dish. How do I know when it is ready?

Best variety of garlic for slow cooking?

Take a couple of heads of garlic, sit them in some oil with spices, and cook for an hour or two, then spread it on bread. It's great...with the right kind of ga

Garlic turning green?

When I try to make garlic bread or, in general, something where the garlic is not in a liquid, it sometimes turns green while cooking! It's worth noting that th

How do you peel garlic easily?

How should I approach peeling a clove of garlic to get the skin off most quickly? Is it different if I'm doing a bulb whole?

Is canned or jarred minced garlic substantially different from fresh garlic?

I am always in favor of fresh ingredients when possible. I recently discovered that minced (and crushed and chopped) garlic is available in very inexpensive jar

How do you remove garlic smells from your fingers?

I've heard touching stainless steel after chopping and handling garlic helps but I haven't found it to work all that well.

Does fresh garlic have any specialized uses?

I have some fresh garlic that I have just harvested from the allotment, and am drying out. I notice that the fresh garlic has a different texture from the shop

Are garlic butter and garlic oil interchangeable?

When eating something like crab, garlic butter seems to be a Western thing while garlic oil is Asian. Is it just a personal preference thing, or does it matter

What do you use to make tzatziki? Onions, garlic, or both?

I found tzatziki sauce in a supermarket. If I recall correctly, the ingredients listed on the package included onions. I then read on Internet that tzatziki sau

Should one always use the whole garlic clove?

When using garlic cloves for pretty much anything, is it ever necessary to cut the slightly brown end off (that which connects to the head), or the middle out?

How to suppress bad breath after eating garlic or onion

How can I suppress bad breath after eating garlic or onion?

How to combine chocolate and garlic in the same dish?

I hosted a potluck dinner some years ago, and I set the theme as "chocolate or garlic" -- guests were to bring one or the other. One person was a wiseacre and b

What are other techniques to make garlic bread?

I've usually made garlic bread by pouring over the bread with special garlic bread powder over spread butter. This works, but is there any way to make the garli

How hot does garlic need to get to lose its sharpness?

Inspired by the recent questions here, I made manicotti over the weekend. The recipe I used called for minced garlic in the filling. I love garlic and usually p

Thai lava chili: how could I reproduce this?

I realize this is a bit off of a question, and I apologize if it's not all that great. But here goes. There is a Thai place near where I live that makes this a

Why does my fondue call to wipe the pot with garlic?

I got a Le Creuset fondue pot a year or two ago. Since then, we've found a bunch of great cheese fondue recipes, but there's a common thread that makes no sense

dry garlic in oil --> botulism risk?

My girlfriend and I are thinking of preparing some flavored oils for Christmas presents this year (don't tell anyone!). We've read online that fresh garlic pres