Category "peanuts"

How do Thai People Make Peanut Sauce?

I'm interested in making my own Thai Peanut sauce. However, every recipe I see online says to use peanut butter. I like Thai Peanut sauce I have in restaurants

Can I roast peanuts in convection microwave?

I found a small bag of raw un-roasted peanuts, around 200 grams, in my cupboard. Any idea how can I roast these peanuts in my convection microwave oven? Would a

What features should I look for in a hand grinder (for peanut butter)?

I want to make my own peanut butter. I've read of various grinders--both hand-operated and electric. I'm most interested in finding a durable hand-operated pe

How can I identify bad peanuts before using them?

Every once in a while I encounter a bad peanut - too bitter and sour which overwhelms the peanut flavor. (For example, when topping cookies with individual pea

Does natural {peanut, cashew, almond} butter require refrigeration?

I have purchased a few different types of natural peanut butter and all have stated that refrigeration is required after opening. However, I recently purchased

Is it true that natural peanut butter splits in cookies?

I was watching a video recipe about peanut butter cookies. The maker mentioned that you shouldn't use all natural peanut butter for making those cookies, becaus

Getting flavor powders to stick to nuts

I've just checked for some recipes online on how to make flavored (in particular, hot and spicy) peanuts. It seems that in every one of these recipes, there has

How do I make raw peanut butter creamy?

I bought fresh ground peanut butter, and it's great and all, and I really like it for peanut sauces, but I really just want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich a

What is the purpose of kosher salt in peanut butter? Can it be replaced with something else?

From here: Ingredients 15 ounces shelled and skinned AB's roasted

For peanut butter, do peanuts have to be roasted with their shells or without their shells?

In a local market of India, I asked for roasted peanuts. the shopkeeper handed me a bag containing roasted peanuts with their shells intact. Are these peanuts

How do you shell groundnuts (peanuts) without breaking their kernels?

I usually break groundnuts by putting them between my teeth. This often results in shattering the groundnut kernel. The problem with smashed kernels is removin

What is the shelf life of homemade peanut butter in winters and summers?

Assumptions: The peanut butter contains ONLY peanuts and peanut oil. The peanut butter contains ONLY peanuts, peanut oil, honey, and salt. Winter room te

Can salt be inserted in unshelled peanuts? Do natural peanuts taste salty?

The label of the blue coloured bag in this link says: Peanuts unsalted In-shell What is the need of mentioning unsalted In-shell?Is it possible to insert

How can I uniformly chop peanuts?

I'd love to get something approximating the nicely uniform chopped peanuts you get when you order a sundae at McDonald's. I have tried manually chopping the

Is a peanut a nut?

Is a peanut technically a nut? If not, when people say they are allergic to "nuts", are they also allergic to real nuts,(walnuts, almonds, cashews, etc.)?

What is the difference between roasting and toasting?

Specifically, I have a recipe that calls for toasted peanuts. What is the difference between roasting a peanut and toasting a peanut? I can find roasted peanuts

Dry roasting nuts and spices beforehand

I have recipes that call for dry roasting peanuts, coconut, and sesame seeds. I make these recipes a lot — so theoretically it would be easier to dry

Peanut butter - store bought texture at home

I know peanut butter and other nut butters can easily be made at home, but they all seem to have very small bits in them. Creamy is never the true creamy smoot

If I put peanuts in a coffee grinder, will I get peanut butter or peanut powder?

I know there a thousand different products you can make with peanuts. But, my local supermarket has one of these, I'm wondering if the effect will be simila

How to make Honey Roasted Peanuts just like Planters?

I tried to make honey roasted peanuts looking at some blogs. But I didn't come out so well. It was not very crisp and sticking with other peanuts definitely no