What exactly is pho? I know it's a type of vietnamese cuisine. What does a bowl of pho typically consist of? What are the bare requirements to consider it p
Several of my associates and I consider ourselves phở connoisseurs, of a sort, and one thing we've noticed is the drastic variation in the quality of the
Several years ago, I had a friend of Vietnamese descent. She went back to visit her home country and returned with gifts. I was given a box (possibly yellow)
In Vietnam, fresh noodles are easy to find, however in Australia, the nearest substitute seems to be plain (and dry) rice vermicelli noodles, which do not have
I have been using Southeast Asian fish sauce ( its Vietnamese variant called "nước mắm" to be precise ) to marinade meat which I would then fry
I have been trying to replicate some sticky rice that I ate during my childhood. I know you have to rinse the glutinous rice several times and let it soak for
I'm currently travelling in Laos where my favourite local dish is called "larb" or "laap" (ລາບ in Lao, ลาบ in Thai). When I
I love pho and will soon try making it myself using an authentic Vietnamese recipe. I'm clear on all of the other ingredients and techniques, but "yellow rock s
There is a little pho place right around the corner that I just love. They have condiments on the tables including what appear to be just fresh sliced jalapenos
This is a Vietnamese dish described in the menu as "Scampi with Coconut/Chili Sauce". Can anyone tell me what ingredients I would need to make
It's Tết again and I'm about to buy this traditional Vietnamese delicacy. However, since I'm currently trying out a Joylent-only diet, I'll only be able t
I have two questions regarding woks: Can I achieve close to the same result with an induction top and either a kettle or high edge frying pan, or is a wok pan
A while ago we ate at a Vietnamese restaurant in San Francisco's Chinatown. We were given these nice burnt sugar-flavored beverages to drink, but unfortunately
There are two versions of Vietnamese rice noodles available. I'd like to know what is the difference, if any. They seem almost identical. bún khô
A local oriental restaurant used to sell "Vietnamese Chicken", a hot plate dish of big chunks of chicken breast with onion and spices. The distinguishing featur
Is pho ever served ice cold similar to that of Korean mul-naengmyeon? If so, does it have a special name?
Experimenting on an idea. So I can make the best Reuben. Making sauerkraut for the first time. Using a basic recipe, 1 head of cabbage(3lbs.) To 1 1/2 Tbl. Sa
Except pho, it seems most Vietnamese soups and similar dishes feature meat that is already cut up into bite-sized pieces. It would seem that this is a very nic
Are egg rolls, common in Asian restaurants, such as Chinese, Thai, or Vietnamese (at least in America), supposed to be eaten with chopsticks or hands?
I had these spring rolls at a restraunt, but as you can see the outside was quite different to the 'normal' spring rolls I usually see. The texture is light an