Category "cashews"

Are fresh, raw cashews different from store-bought?

I have a pen pal in Brazil (is it still a pen pal if we e-mail? anyway...) and knowing that I like nuts sent me some cashews. Apparently there is a cashew farm

Why do my stored cashews smell like fish?

I have a 30 Oz plastic jar of Roasted, Unsalted Archer Farms Cashew Nuts. I've noticed that after having it 'open' for a week or two (i.e. the lid is tightly sc

Cashew flour in Kaju Katli

All of the recipies for Kaju Katli I've looked at says I should make my own cashew powder but I was wondering if I could substitute it with store bought cashew

Are these cashew nuts mouldy?

I accidentally had some of these nuts without looking properly and I am now quite worried. They tasted fine - no rancid or obvious bitter taste. Are the darkene