Category "parmesan"

How to make celery root dish without parmesan?

I've used a recipe before (can't find it anymore, sorry) where I steamed sticks of celery root. The ingredients I remember are garlic (whole cloves steamed toge

Can I freeze Parmesan?

I am thinking about buying a larger amount of Parmesan and freeze it for later use. Is this possible? How long can I keep it for? How is the taste/texture affec

How to store Parmesan cheese?

I recently lucked into about 4 lbs of a delicious Parmesan. Sadly it's already in 4 pieces, and so I'm pretty sure its going to be more prone to spoilage than a

At which temperature Parmesan cheese must be transported?

I bought a piece of Parmesan cheese over internet. When it arrived (in a styrofoam box) I measured its temperature and it was 17,8° C (64° F). I think

Is the cover of Parmigiano-Reggiano edible?

It seems that the "cover" is harder than the other parts...

Is it possible to freeze Eggplant Parmesan? If so, better to freeze before or after baking?

I made a delicious eggplant parmesan dish last night and now my wife wants to repeat it and then freeze it for another occasion. What's the best advice for fre

How can I make parmesan spreadable?

I can't get enough of parmesan cheese. I often find myself taking pieces off of the block, or shredding it just to dump it straight into my mouth. I always wis

What is a good brand for parmesan to buy in Rome? [closed]

I'm soon going to Rome for vacation and want to bring back some parmigiano reggiano cheese. Could anyone suggest a good brand and a good place

Why do some Parmigiano Reggiano contain bacterial cultures?

I was under the impression from what I have read/DOP specification that only rennet was to be used for Parmigiano Reggiano. Milk coagulation, obtained exclusiv

How to mix parmessan (or any hard cheese) into oil sauce

When making sauces from a roux or starchy water (like cacio e pepe), I find it's quite easy to infuse hard cheese like Parmesan into it. However, is there anyt

How to cook Parmesan Cheese into a broth without making globs?

I've been trying to cook this recipe recently, but I keep running into a problem with the parmesan cheese. Basically the last step is to mix the cheese into the

How to make cauliflower pizza crust without using parmesan cheese?

I want to make cauliflower pizza crust for keto diet, but all the recipes I have seen on internet require a lot of parmesan cheese, which is too expensive for m

Processed cheese in pesto

I have a full grown Basil plant at my home. So I am planning to make a Basil recipe, though I have never made one. So I decided to make pesto pasta. However due

Is there a reason to not grate cheese ahead of time?

Suppose I know that I'm going to eventually end up grating all of my cheese. Is there a reason to not just toss it all into a blender and store it for later? To

Can I leave cut (but airtight wrapped) aged pecorino at room temperature for a couple of hours?

I bought it for a friend and want to give it to them but I will have to travel with the aged pecorino cheese for a couple of hours at room temperature before gi