Category "raspberries"

What is hot raspberry puree?

I have a caramel recipe that calls for hot raspberry puree to be added near the end of cooking. I'm assuming that the seeds are supposed to be removed, so how i

Converting Peppermint Marshmallow Recipe to Raspberry

I have the following peppermint marshmallow recipe that I know works well: 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar, plus more for dusting the marshmallows' surface and

Is boiling water poured over frozen berries enough vs. bacteria?

I often like to make smoothies where I among other things add frozen berries. I boil some water in my tea-boiler and pour it over the berries before I add them

Can I re-freeze fruit?

I bought about 1.2kg of frozen raspberries with the intention of using them yesterday, but it turns out I won't need them for another couple of weeks. I had le

What is the best way to store fresh berries?

I have been buying fresh berries from the store on the weekends, and am looking for the best way to make them last throughout the week for use as either a snack

How to get raspberry flavor into a smoothie without seeds?

I often enjoy (when it's not dead of winter) a fruit smoothie for breakfast; generally I use orange juice or some other juice flavor (V8 has a few with fruit fl

Raspberries too wet in muffin

I made white chocolate raspberry muffins the other day after being inspired by these muffins at a cafe near work. They were absolutely delicious (warmed up in a

Which nuts are typically paired with raspberry and white chocolate? [closed]

I repeat: Which nuts go well with raspberry and white chocolate? I was just wondering about typical combinations that are known to go well wi

Can jam be made from frozen berries?

During summer months, I love buying fresh raspberries and blueberries. I often don't manage to work through the whole punnet, so I freeze the last few berries b

Safety of raspberry seeds in smoothies

It would be a bad idea to crush apple or cherry seeds while making smoothies or marmalades (due, apparently, to the presence of hydrogen cyanide). If a raspber

Are berries acidic enough they must be on top, not within, panna cotta?

Item 1 Panna cotta (cream, gelatin, perhaps sugar) Item 2 berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries) Stores usually sell panna cotta with

Super tiny bugs in store bought raspberries

For a while now, I've been seeing incredibly tiny bugs in store bought raspberries. They survive refrigeration and I can rinse them off (I think, can't be sure

Raspberry jam consistency

I tried making raspberry jam and packed it in jars, hot and canned. when I opened it for use, the top layer has a good jam-like consistency and texture but when

Should you wash raspberries?

I know, the hard and fast rule is to wash all your produce, but I have the hardest trouble washing raspberries. They inevitably get waterlogged and lose so much

Egg free steamed raspberry pudding

This is an old recipe. Back in the 1940s to the 1970s, my mom used to make individual raspberry puddings steamed in her handleless cups. I can't recreate it. I

What is the proper way to make a fruit purée?

When making a fruit purée, specifically raspberry, to be used as a filling or a layer for cakes or chocolates, what is the proper way to do this? Should