Category "kimchi"

How does Korean chili powder differ from "US" chili powder?

I've been looking at a number of kim chi recipes and they all call for 'Korean chili powder'. My visit to the local Asian grocer only yielded 'Asian' chili pow

Does kimchi go bad?

I bought some kimchi a few weeks ago, ate half the jar, and then forgot about it. I found it in my fridge yesterday and tried it. It tastes the same, but there

Does kimchi go bad?

I bought some kimchi a few weeks ago, ate half the jar, and then forgot about it. I found it in my fridge yesterday and tried it. It tastes the same, but there

What kind of peppers are used in Gochugaru (고추가루)?

I'm trying to make kimchi, but I don't have any chili powder (gochugaru -고추가루). Does anyone know what type of chili pepper(s) this

Does washing kimchi with water reduce the sodium content much?

Does washing kimchi just before eating it reduce its sodium content much, or do I have to put it in water overnight or several days?

Is kimchi a suitable addition to a noodle soup?

I have just returned from having purchased a can of kimchi. I have no idea what the contents are, since they are written in Korean, but thought that mixing it i

Kimchi juice to aid lactic fermentation of half-sour pickles

I have made half-sour pickles successfully with the recipe in the first post of this thread, although only when the heel of bread is added to promote f

Kimchi / Mo-Chu Ka-roo?

I have been looking for this ingredient called ko-chu Ka-roo to make kimchi. I checked in a local asian grocery and I didn't find something with that name. But

Kimchi in Mason Jars -- Too Sealed?

I recently mixed 8 quarts of kimchi. I stuffed my cabbage into 8, 1-quart Mason Jars. I left the typical buffer space (about 1-inch) below the lid. I told someo

Does kimchi always have live cultures?

A lot of the kimchi I see in stores doesn't say "live and active cultures" like yogurts and kefir. I'm trying to up my probiotic intake, but I'm not sure if all

What is this white, non-fuzzy, substance on my kimchi?

I have a jar of store bought kimchi that I neglected for a few months (bought around mid July). Today I opened it and noticed that a few pieces had some white s

Kimchi versus pickles: sterilized containers?

I've been reading up on how to make fermented foods and noticed something interesting - many of the recipes I've seen (pickled cucumbers, etc.) go to great leng

im doing kimchi but no rice wine available

I made kimchi at home.and I can't find that sour taste and smell as it ferments.maybe because rice wine is not available.can I use the regular vinegar or apple

Which preservatives/additives in ingredients can interfere with kimchi-style fermentation?

This is not yet about a problem, I am trying to avoid wasting time and ingredients or creating unsafe conditions while experimenting. Many vegetarian recipes f

Kimchi Beef Noodles

One of the things I really enjoy are those instant kimchi beef noodle soup bowls that you can get from the (American) supermarkets. Mostly because I like kimchi

Is unrefrigerated kimchi safe?

As the question states, is kimchi still safe to eat after spending a few hours unrefrigerated, the time it takes me to get home ? I'm mostly concerned because

Kimchi not very fermented, did not expand or get juicy

I just made some kimchi for the first time. Three heads of Napa cabbage. I put it in glass jars and left lots of room. It has been a day and and a half at room

Over salted kimchi

I made sprouted soybean kimchi but it turns out I used too much salt. Is there a way to compensate for that now or is it too late to save the taste ?

Recipes to calm down my kimchi [closed]

Last year, I made some kimchi that tournes out a tad bit too spicy and sour. My partner refuses to eat it and I cry when I try. But there is

What can I mix and store Kimchi in? [duplicate]

I'm looking for ways I can use containers to mix and store kimchi from the thrift store. I don't want to buy special containers, unless I hav