Category "kimchi"

Oversalted and too matured kimchi (like sauerkraut)?

I made kimchi more than a year and a half ago. Because I live in Europe, I know and I often eat sauerkraut (fermented sour cabbage). When I made the kimchi, I c

What is kimchi "brine"?

So I made kimchi for the first time a couple of days ago, and most of the recipes that I looked at were fairly similar. In this regard, all of them mentioned so

Kickstart Kimchi with sourdough starter

I'm making my first batch of homemade Kimchi today using a recipe from Jamie Oliver. As I also have a mature sourdough starter in the fridge, I'm thinking about

What can I substitute for radish when making kimchi?

I want to try the recipe but could not get radish.

Is my kimchi still okay?

My kimchi (still in the fermenting crock) tastes very vinegary. Is it still good to jar & refrigerate? I’ve made it a number of times throughout t

Can this shrimp paste be used to make kimchi?

I live in a rural area of Canada, asian markets aren't a thing around here. Since there isn't much good kimchi around, I decided to try myself ! I went to a la

I left kimchi at room temperature for 7 hours. Can I still eat it? [duplicate]

I accidentally left Sunja's kimchi at room temperature for 7 hours. It started leaking. It's in the fridge now. Can I still eat it?

Does my Kimchi need to ferment longer?

I made my first batch of Kimchi, it has fermented for about a week & the bubbling seems to have slowed down. Can I eat it now or does it need to ferment lon

is this mold on my kimchi or yeast?

I have been fermenting this kimchi for a month now and it has grown this white things above. I've stored it in in my refridgerator and I only opened it now. Is

Best way - if any to "thin out" overly salty kimchi - already in jar

I made Kimchi and put it into glass jars, based on this recipe: I made it in 2 batches: 1 batch I accidenta

Is it ok to eat kimchi that is causing its package to expand?

For non-fermented foods, I feel like it's obvious that they shouldn't be consumed if they're causing the package they're stored in to expand, even if they're st

How to make store-bought kimchi more spicy?

Since my personal experimentation with fermentation tends to result in biological hazards and minor explosions, I tends to buy my fermented foods. I recently di

Kimchi air bubble removal

I'm making Kimchi for the first time and I have two questions about air bubble removal. First, all the recipes I've seen say to press the Kimchi down to remove

Home-made Kimchi lost all water after being put in the fridge

I've made Kimchi using this recipe (german link, but I think it should be a pretty standard recipe). I let it ferment for a week at room temperature and everyth

Can I make kimchi from “kimchi base”, or is it just a sauce?

I bought a jar of Surasang “Kimchi Base” assuming that I could use it to make kimchi. The directions on the bottle, however, seem to indicate using