Category "dried-fruit"

What does North American mixed dried fruit contain?

I have a recipe for a fruit cake that uses 2lb of mixed fruit plus 11oz currants and 15oz raisins In the UK, mixed dried fruit is usually a mixture of sultanas

Is 3 days too long to soak dried fruit for my fruitcake?

My fruitcake recipe calls for soaking dried fruit in molasses and wine overnight. I mixed that up and it's macerating in the fridge, but a surprise schedule cha

Plum cake recipe

After all its a Christmas month so I wanted to something different so tried to do plum cake. But that ended up really mess. I got the recipe from blog did some

Plums are sour. Why are prunes sweet?

Plums are sour (especially the peel). Prunes are dried plums (with the peel, I presume). Then why are prunes only sweet, with no sourness? Note: I'm asking abo

How to avoid having pith on dried orange peels

I am trying to prepare some dried orange peel for a Mexican chocolate bread recipe. From what I've read, the first step is cutting thin strips of outer peel off

Why boil mixture when soaking fruit in alcohol for churn-free ice cream

I found a recipe for a No-churn rum and raisin ice cream. In the recipe the first step is to put the raisins and rum in a saucepan and gently heat until boiling

What is the best way to rehydrate dried cherries for a sauce if it has absorbed surrounding flavors?

I tried making a cherry sauce for meatballs with dried morello cherries, but the final sauce had a weird taste despite the dried cherries being nice and tarty,

non-grain options in sourdough starter

Is there any reason not to try adding dried fruit to a sourdough starter? The reason I'm imagining is that different sorts of yeast live on dried fruit vs on gr

How are commercially dried cranberries dried?

I'm trying to clarify how exactly commercially available dried cranberries, like craisins, are dried. I'm specifically trying to research the topic to understan

Should raisins be washed before eating?

I saw someone washing raisins before serving them in a bowl. I had never seen that before. Just wondering if raisins need to be washed before eating.

How to replace sugar with dry fruit in a cake recipe?

How do I replace all the sugar in a cake recipe with dry fruit e.g. dates? should I rehydrate dry fruit and make it into a paste? how much liquid should I add t

Why are stems common in packaged raisins but uncommon in breakfast cereals?

When I purchase raisins in the US, it is not uncommon that some of the raisins have bits of stem still attached to them. However, when I purchase breakfast cer