Category "marshmallow"

How do you form Marshmallow Ropes?

I have made marshmallows before and formed them into a pan, and then cut them into squares. That works fine and they taste great. I'd like to achieve the eff

Converting Peppermint Marshmallow Recipe to Raspberry

I have the following peppermint marshmallow recipe that I know works well: 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar, plus more for dusting the marshmallows' surface and

Proper way to add marshmallows to brownies?

I've had brownies with gooey marshmallow swirled in and find them delicious. However, when I try to duplicate this by adding miniature marshmallows to my browni

Why do marshmallows poof up so huge when put in the microwave?

As anyone who's put marshmallows in the microwave knows, they expand a ton! Sometimes they puff up to literally more than twice their original size (YouTube vid

Marshmallows are wet on the bottom as they set

I tried to follow this recipe: Deviations from the recipe: - I used icing sugar instead of

What can I do to dry out my marshmallows?

The recipe that I used did not call for cornstarch or corn syrup. The result is that they are slightly wet. Can I do anything to dry them up, such as dusting th

What is the substitution ratio for mini marshmallows to large marshmallows?

I have a recipe calling for 12 large marshmallows, but I only have minis. How many should I use?

Texture issue in homemade powdered sugar

The other day I was making marshmallows and ran into a multitude of problems -- broken candy thermometers, overheated mixers, syrup spill, you name it. I though

Is it safe to roast marshmallows over a sterno flame?

It's become common practice around my apartment to use a sterno to roast marshmallows because it's easy, cheap and (primarily) because we can't have a campfire

How do I melt the chocolate in a s'more?

It is an age old question. How can I ensure that the chocolate in a s'more is properly melted. Even when assembling them quickly the marshmallow just doesn't h

How do you thicken a cold filling?

What product can I use to thick a filling that is sweet and does not get heated? The filling is made of butter and homemade marshmallow.

Reformulate a marshmallow recipe to remove lactose and HFCS

I'm trying to modify the marshmallow recipe in this post to make it vegan:

Is there a way to stop marshmallows from melting off the stick?

Does anyone know of a good way to keep marshmallows from melting off the roasting stick when making smores? Not just sliding off, more like when you use a hot r

Homemade marshmallows not roasting, just melting

I'm trying to make homemade marshmallows for smores. I found this recipe and the marshmallows turned out great (taste/texture):

Roasting marshmallows on indoors [duplicate]

Can I use Choice Ethanol Gel Chafing Dish Fuel to cook marshmallows, or do I have to use a certain kind.

Storing rice krispie treats

Do rice krispie treats need to be refrigerated, or can they be stored at room temperature? I'd like to know both whether leaving them out is safe, and whether r

How to make the marshmallow swirl for Chocolate Marshmallow Ice cream from scratch?

My wife loves chocolate marshmallow swirl ice cream, but she doesn't like store-bought marshmallows. I would like to surprise her with homemade chocolate marshm

Marshmallow in cones becoming soggy

We are using a product called Mallowhip from Bakels as the base for marshmallow which is then piped into wafer cones. The wafer cones are lined with a compound

Whipped egg white snack texture and preservation

I am trying to make whipped marshmallow egg white snacks. I would like the end texture to be between heavy whipped topping and a marshmallow and preserve flavor

How do I stop my Crispie/Crispy cake from going stale?

I make a Crispie type cake, but with my own homemade ingredients, Mallows,etc when I make it with shop bought Marshmallows etc it lasts for weeks, when I make i