Category "crepe"

How do the batter and technique differ between crepes and pancakes?

What are the different ingredients in crepe mix versus pancake mix? I'd like to try my hand at making crepes from scratch... How is making crepes different

What is the difference between crepes and Swedish pancakes?

We just made the Swedish recipe this morning, and it seems like crepes...

How to make pancakes/crepes without eggs nor any liquids besides water?

I am looking for a way to make pancakes/crepes (the very thin ones), with the following limitations: no eggs no liquid ingredients besides water cheap ingredie

why do my pancakes (crêpes) take such a long time to cook?

I am making crêpes and I wonder why they take such a ridiculously long amount of time to cook, about 5 or 6 minutes per pancake. I remember once upon a ti

What can replace milk in crepes?

I want to make crepes, but I am out of milk. Can I still make crepes? What can replace milk in this application? I do have yogurt, beer, eggs, cream, butter,

Where to find a crepe maker

In my childhood I have memory of a clockwork crepe maker using an alcohol burner. It was quite compact, and sat on a small side table The glow of the burner an

How do I use a convex crepe pan?

I picked up what I believe to be an old cast iron Crêpe pan at the thrift store. I made a batter, and its consistency seems like what I made in the past w

Why are we not generally using egg in Buckwheat crêpe (or galette) but only in Wheat Flour crêpe?

I was doing so research over the internet to know why egg are typically use in wheat flour crêpe but not in Buckwheat crêpe. Is there's a reason for

Does an electric crepe maker require a hood and ventilation?

I have an electric crepe maker and was wondering whether it is required to have a hood with ventilation to the outside of the building?

Making buckwheat crepes buckwheatier

I want to make "real" crêpes au sarrasin. I tried twice, but the result does not have as strong buckwheat taste as the ones I tasted in France. I am at lo

How many eggs in a Mille Crêpes Cake?

I've looked through a few recipes for Mille Crêpes and see that many use double as many eggs in the batter compared with most plain crêpe recipes (6

Substituting soy milk for regular (cow) milk in crepes/pancakes

I normally make my Swedish pancakes with soy milk because my SO has a dairy sensitivity. But today I used cow's milk, and I noticed that my pancakes seemed to b

How do you make Paillets Feuilletine?

Paillets Feuilletine, dried caramelised crepes. I have looked and cannot find any method for the making of this product. As it is in many of my books and recipe

How to make pretty crêpes?

I know how to make crêpes, however they have some tendency to be a bit ugly aesthetically speaking. Each time I go to a crêperie, I can see this ki

Is there any way to make crepes without a proper non-stick pan?

I unfortunately ended up in situation where I tried to make crepes in a regular pan - needless to say, I was unprepared and it didn't end up well (they would ge

Can I subtitute water for milk in crêpes?

I want to make crêpes, but I have run out of milk. I do have all the other ingredients I need. Can I somehow substitute the milk by water or anything else

How to make crispy crepes?

I make very thin crepes using batter made of 500 grams of flour, 3 eggs and 250 ml of milk. They turn out thin, soft and pliable. My wife on the other hand reme

Crepes sliding off crepe maker base

I recently made crepes with a crepe maker like this one. The first half of the recipe worked perfectly. Then, every time I dipped the base into the batter, when

Crepe vs Pancake

What is the difference in the mixture for crepes vs pancakes. Every recipe I can find on an english language website, suggests a very similar ratio of flour/eg

How Can I Spread Crepe Batter Before It Cooks?

I am trying to make crepes in a non-stick skillet. I've got the batter ready, well refrigerated. However, I am having trouble getting the batter to spread enoug