Category "poaching"

How should I poach an egg?

What's the best method to poach an egg without it turning into an eggy soupy mess?

How does a splash of vinegar help when poaching eggs?

What does splashing in a shot of white vinegar to the simmering water do when poaching an egg? Is it for taste or is it supposed to react in some way with the

How do you poach chicken?

How do you poach chicken?

What is the difference between a 63-degree egg and a regular poached egg?

Recently on Master Chef one of the desserts featured a 63-degree egg - what is the difference between that and a regular poached egg?

How can I prevent scum forming in the water when I poach eggs?

When I poach eggs, an off-white foam/scum forms on the surface of the water and sometimes attaches itself to the egg. Does anybody know what causes it, and how

How to poach an egg without vinegar?

What is the best way to poach an egg without vinegar? Is there a quick and easy alternative?

What are the differences between slow cooking and poaching a chicken soup and how does slow cooking/poaching soup affect salt absorbtion?

1.What is the difference between poaching and slow cooking? I believe in poaching you are meant to remove chicken 20 minutes after boiling so the meat doesn't

How do you get a poached egg to coagulate evenly and professionally? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:How should I poach an egg? How do you make a poached egg without it getting all messy when you break the egg into

What is the effect of poaching fish in milk?

I recently came across a recipe for fish poached in milk. I've never heard of this technique, and am skeptical of its effect (vs. water), so it sounds wasteful

Would using milk powder better than fresh milk when poaching?

I read this question - What is the effect of poaching fish in milk? and was surprise that one can poach fish using milk. However, I was wondering if the milk w

poaching an egg in frying canola oil

Last night I was doing some fried schnitzels with canola oil at 130-140C (they were very good). After serving them, I felt adventurous and wondered what would

how does the poaching eggs recipe scale for different sizes of egg?

The recipe for poaching regular chicken eggs states to leave the egg in a pot of simmering water for ~4 minutes (besides of messing with the liquid pH levels).

Poached eggs dissolve while cooking?

I typically use a little white vinegar to hold my poached eggs together better while cooking (plus, I like vinegar). Recently, I ran out of white vinegar and s

Which method of cooking does the age of the egg matter least?

I have a tray of older eggs (almost 2 weeks old). Previously I never paid attention to thier age and cooked whatever I wanted, but after poaching some super

What temperature(s) should sweetbreads be cooked to?

It is very easy to find quick references for the various doneness temperatures (rare, med. rare, etc.) of different animal meats, but not so easy when it comes

What is the effect of adding sugar to the water when poaching eggs?

I'm doing a food tech assignment and I need to know how adding sugar to the water effects the coagulation of protein when poaching eggs.

Is there a difference between poached and steamed chicken?

I'm planning to make chicken sandwiches and was wondering what the difference is when chicken is steamed vs poached. I know the technique for both but was wonde

How to extend holding time for poached eggs?

I would like to bring eggs Florentine for a potluck. I usually make them for myself Sunday mornings, but usually I strain the egg fresh from the pot to the muff

Fake poached salmon machine?

I went to buy what was advertised as "poached" salmon from my supermarket's prepared food counter and noticed that some of the edges were browned, so I was like

Poached eggs at altitude?

I recently signed up for America's Test Kitchen Cooking School and followed their directions for poaching eggs. I brought my water w/ vinegar & salt to a l