Category "poaching"

Is poaching a foie gras torchon really necessary?

Is poaching the torchon really necessary? Can't I skip the poaching and just wrap, chill, and serve?

Freezing ready to poach eggs

I am generally a bit strapped for time, so in an attempt to maximise my time my plan is to crack eggs into clingfilm and tie them so they make poaching pods, fr

Do I put vinegar in the water when poaching an egg? [duplicate]

Does the water need to boil or just be hot? Do I need to put salt and vinegar in the water or just salt? And if it needs vinegar, what kind? H

Poaching a whole fish: kettle or foil?

Some friends and i would like to poach a whole salmon, weighing four to five kilograms. There are two ways we could do this: in a fish kettle, or wrapped in alu

Does it make sense to vacuume brined meat? Why not sous vide in water directly?

If you wet brine a piece of meat and don't apply anything else to it, why exactly do you need a bag? Why not cook the meat directly in the brine? While it cook

How to have poached eggs in "sphere form"?

I have been trying to learn how to make poached eggs. The main issue I have is the shape of the egg whites. In a "perfect" poached egg, the white builds a sph

Are soft boiled eggs and poached eggs identical?

Today I heard from a friend, that poached eggs are simply glorified soft-boiled eggs and that there is no way to distinguish between the two except for the form

Settling Up the Dispute over Poached Egg's Definition

Fact: You can poach an egg without acid, although adding a tiny bit helps a lot with the egg white to set easier. Current situation: My friend (a culinary gradu