Category "vacuum"

How do I impart "extra" flavor with Sous Vide cooking?

I've been cooking Sous Vide 2-3 times a week for about 10 months now, and I absolutely love it. The control of temperature and time makes for some really intere

Using a vacuum sealer to marinate?

With the vacuum sealers that have hit the market, they're have been a lot of toys added onto the products. One such device is used for marinating meat. It jus

Is there a way to make compressed watermelon without a vacuum machine?

I've got in mind to make a dish with compressed watermelon, but I don't have access to a vacuum machine. I've tried once using weight, but it just cracks becaus

Are any retail vacuum-sealing systems worth the expense?

Living alone means that my leftovers tend to go a pretty long way, and I don't end up using raw ingredients as quickly as the supermarkets expect me to. For a

Vacuum-packed (or not?) bacon, safe to use?

I purchased a 3-pack of bacon a week ago, basically 3 vacuum packed (is that the right word for this?) bacon, stripped together (probably made together, seems l

What is the technique for Vacuum Flask Cooking?

I read an article about Asian cooking involving a Vacuum Flask so I was looking for some techniques involved in cooking with it.

Are the claims legitimate linking botulism to vacuum prepared foods?

I have read in many places 1,2,3 claims of a link between preparing foods sous vide and botulism, with claims that this is because the food is prepared in a vac

What makes vacuum fried food retain and concentrate the food's flavor?

I recently tried some vacuum fried banana chips and pineapple chips from Trade Joe's. They were delicious. Does anyone know why this process helps the food reta

Where to rent vacuum chamber?

I am testing out ideas for edible fruit cocktails that I would like to serve as an opener at a dinner party. So far, my tests have been successful, but it occu

Is there some trick to vacuum sealing broccoli?

In Sous Vide for the Home Cook Douglas Baldwin gives a recipe for broccoli. In brief, blanch the broccoli, cool in an ice bath, then vacuum seal as a single lay

How to remove individual steaks from a lump I mistakenly froze together?

I got a vacuum sealer and stored about 7 pieces of steak in 1 bag. I put it in the freezer and just now I decided to take out a couple of steaks to thaw out so

How to properly vacuum seal and freeze food that may stick together

I had a mishap involving steak freezing together and am wondering what the best way to prevent it from happening again. I just got a vacuum sealer and have bein

How long will vacuum-packed truffle last in the fridge?

I have a vacuum-packed truffle in the fridge since a few weeks now. The mushroom was fresh when it has been vacuum-packed. Does anyone know how long will it la

Out of Date Vine Leaves - are they safe to eat? [duplicate]

I bought vacuum packed vine leaves quite some time ago. Stupidly didn't get round to using them so they are still in the fridge. They are well

better to marinate in vacuum?

I am going to marinate some chicken for an Indian dish. I will cook it sous vide. now I wonder whether I should vacuum seal chicken with marinade, or marinate

Are vacuum pump effective to improve wine conservation?

Is there any evidence for (or against) those "Vacuum Wine Saver" pumps (such as "Vacu Vin") that claim to improve the conservation of opened wine bottles? By e

Vacuum sealer exclusively for canning jars?

I'm looking for a vacuum sealer just to vacuum seal canning jars. Presently I use a traditional vacuum sealer for bags that has an accessory port. It's bulky

Is it safe to vacuum seal shredded Parmesan?

I was trying to think of a way to more efficiently storing parmesan for quick access. I realized I could shred a batch and vacuum seal it in a jar to better pre

blanch after vacuum seal?

Since there's problems vacuum sealing after blanching due to excess water is there a problem sealing the fresh vegetables first and then boiling the package to

How long is marinated raw chicken breast good for after it's been vacuum sealed?

I have been marinating a large batch of chicken breast in eggs and spices. I'm going to put bread crumbs on them before cooking. I'm wondering, if I were to bre