Category "pork"

How should I cook pigs cheeks?

I like the idea of eating pigs cheeks, I've heard they are delicious, but difficult to cook so they are not chewy. How should I cook them so they are succulent

How do you make pork rinds?

The little bit I currently know is that they're fried pig skins. However, beyond that it's just a bunch of hand-waving on my part. Do you buy pig skin from a

Smoking in Kettle Grill

I recently smoked a pork shoulder in a weber charcoal kettle grill and I had a lot of trouble maintaining the temperature. Are there any tricks to using a mix o

What are the ranges of Pork Temperature that are flavorful and safe?

USDA guidelines for Pork state that you should cook it to 160F. I have heard over the years that you can undercook from that, which seems desirable, as 160F is

How do cooks prepare belly pork in a restaurant?

In a similar style to the question on preparing risotto in restaurants.. When cooking belly pork, to a texture that's soft, tender and still moist, long cook t

What distinguishes pork sausage from ground pork?

Let me preface this by saying that I am basically a complete novice when it comes to cooking. So I apologize if this is a silly question. I sometimes like to c

Sour pork, causes?

I've been testing brines (something I didn't know about until I read it here :). So I brined (sugar, salt, and some herbs) a handful of pork loins (chops withou

Tenderness of sous-vide pork chops

I made some sous vide pork chops this week that didn't turn out as tender as I expected. They were about as tender as when I grill them; maybe a little bit wor

What can I substitute for Guanciale?

Guanciale is something I've never seen in the UK. What can I use as a substitute? Or, alternatively, is there somewhere I can source this in the UK? Note: I'm

Filtering home-rendered lard

I recently rendered some lard at home from some pork fat I bought from a nearby Mexican grocery store (Mi Pueblo in San Jose). The lard is delicious and I'm gla

Pork rillettes - drain fat before shredding or not

I'm about to start making some rillettes with some pork belly and Lard left over from making scratchings the other day. I've looked at a few recipes but it's no

How long can I safely keep a thawing pork shoulder in the fridge?

I purchased a rock-hard, six-pound pork shoulder at the farmers' market on Sunday and have been thawing it in the fridge since then. As of this afternoon, it's

pork fillet cooking time

I have a pork fillet which I've cut in half and marinated in some honey and soy. I heated a pan, and seared it on all sides, then put the pan in the oven at 18

Artificial Wood Chips/Smoke for smoking meat

I am looking for alternatives to using wood chips for smoking meats. I would like the process to actually smoke the meat. Liquid smoke/marinades are not what

Pulled Pork in a slow cooker. To brown or not to brown?

I'm going to make some barbeque pulled pork in a slow cooker. I've done it a few times with some good results, but I'm always looking for ways to improve. Here

Chinese pork jerky: what makes them so tender, how do you make it?

If you've ever had Chinese beef or pork jerky, you'll know why I'm asking this question. If you have a Chinatown in your city, I'm sure you'll be able to find a

How long should roast pork be cooked so that it stays light pink?

Often pork is much too dry when served, I would like to have it slightly 'rosé' pink. So I am looking for some cooking instructions for cooking a roast

How do you score pork skin?

We cooked some pork belly over the weekend and part of the recipe is to "score the skin". We have some sharp knives but nothing really worked well. It was real

For crackling, should I give pork a blast of super heat at the start or end of roasting?

I will be slow roasting a whole pork shoulder tomorrow -- it's huge! For most of the time the oven will be set to a fairly low temperature and the joint will b

What spice rub would be typically Thai?

I'm trying to recreate a dish I had at Alinea a while ago. Their forum actually had a good start for this dish: The garnishes on the surface are Hawaiian