Category "pork"

Why not pork stock/gravy?

Why is it that you make stock (and/or gravy) from a roast chicken or beef or fish, but you don't do the same for pork?

What temperature to cook a pork tenderloin at?

What temperature do you normally cook a pork tenderloin at? I was searching on the internet and saw anywhere from 325°F (165°C) to 450°F (230°C

Smoked ham roast: what do I do with it?

My girlfriend's parents recently gave us a bunch of pork from my girlfriend's grandpa's farm. The bacon and sausage we know what to do with but there's also a h

How long should I cook pork for (at 100° C)?

I have a pork shoulder cooking in the oven right now at 100° C (212° F). I was planning on roasting it for 7 hours, will this be long enough to cook it

Chinese Hoppin' John

In the American South, Hoppin' John is a popular New Year's meal. In honor of the Chinese New Year, I would like to make a Chinese variation on Hoppin' John.

How to cook a pork sirloin roast?

I picked up a pork sirloin roast yesterday, it's a little over three pounds. I've never cooked one of these before and I am not sure what to do. My seasoning

What are good techniques to prepare liver?

I don't like liver, but now I have to start eating pork liver because of its high iron content. There are some ingredients which I have disliked for years, th

Preparing pork belly: Odd barn yard flavor

This might be a very silly question, but I'm sort a pork newbie. Anyway, I recently went to the butchers and bought a big slab of pork belly, to make crackling

Effect of pineapple

I was considering slow-cooking pork with pineapple, but was concerned on the effect the pineapple might have on the texture of the meat. I understand that both

What other cut of meat can replace pork shank?

I have really been wanting to trying this recipe Braised Pork Shanks with Mushroom Dumplings, but I have not been able to obtain pork shanks. Can another cut o

Why do they put the jelly-like substance in pork pies?

I don't like the jelly-like substance found in between the pastry and meat of pork pies, and I don't know anyone that does, so I was wondering why they put it i

Is this a true? You should use garlic with pork and ginger with beef and never vice versa?

"You should use garlic with pork and ginger with beef and never vice versa." This is coming from my dad who says that fact has been handed down from gene

Dangers associated with sous-vide temperature and time

What's the risk associated with leaving pork (vacuum sealed) in water at 35 °C (95 °F) for 12 hours? It's probably a common mistake with sous vide cooki

Broil pork chops before roasting?

I've had great success preparing chicken using variations of the following procedure: Arrange chicken pieces in a roasting pan with a lid Add other flavorings

How to roast pork shoulder?

I used to cook pork shoulder in a slow cooker, however found that this didn't render any of the fat out of it. I prefer a leaner meat, so I figure roasting this

Serving a Whole Pig

I ordered a roast whole pig from a local meat market. They've told me that when I pick it up, it'll be fully cooked and in a foil lined box. My concern is what

My pork rinds won't puff!

I was following the recipe here: How do you make pork rinds? and ran into a situation. When I get pork rinds from the store, they are beautiful and puffy lik

Smoking pig butt: how to resume?

I set out this morning to cook a pig butt. Found out that I was going too a birthday party at such a time that the butt would smoke for six hours and then I wou

Is it safe to eat a pork loin that has been refrigerated for 6 days?

I've accidentally left a pork tenderloin marinating in the fridge for the past six days. Is it still safe to cook and eat? I'm not sure how it will taste, but I

What is a good way to cook a pork tenderloin without searing?

I realise there are a couple of similar questions hereabouts, but this is a specific case. I currently have sitting in the fridge a pork tenderloin (fillet) co