Category "soup"

Onion soup: How to chop the onion and what kind of cheese to put in it? [closed]

What is your preferred type of cut for the onion in onion soup? And how do you put the cheese? A deep chunk submerged in each plate, on top?

Soup is too salty!

I made a mistake with my lastest batch of chicken soup, and it's too salty to eat. Is there any way to save it?

How do I remove bitter flavor from lime rind in soup?

I just made a large pot of soup. It's a Mexican Caldo de Res. I added a bunch of lime juice, and thought, hey, maybe i'll throw the lime rinds in there too for

How to make my chicken noodle soup thicker?

Online chicken noodle soup recipes contain mostly the same things - chicken, noodles, stock, vegetables - and for the most part taste the same. However, they t

If I'm using milk as an ingredient in soup, how can I prevent it from curdling?

There are numerous chicken stock based soups that also have milk as an ingredient and the milk always seems to curdle - how can I prevent this?

Turning Left Over Broth From a Roast Into a Soup Or Stew

Two nights ago, I made a roast. Not wanting to waste anything I kept most of the left over beef broth (about 3-4 cups). My current idea is to turn this beef b

How can I remove excess fat from stews or soups without refrigerating?

I've read that adding cork (from wine bottles) absorbs the fat. I'm not sure if this works or not. Are there any other ways to remove excess fat without stan

Bread used for containing soup

So when I was away on holiday we had a lovely lovely meal which was basically soup. But the soup was served in bread which you could then eat aswell. It was so

How much fresh lovage in soup?

My friend just gave me two lovage leaves and I am planning on making chicken soup (from bouillon crystals) with it. My question is how much lovage should I put

Can I add uncooked noodles directly to soup?

Most noodle soup recipes that I see call for boiling and draining the noodles separately, then adding them to the broth already cooked. Is there any reason that

Help with a chili recipe: need help on fruit/sweet selection

Follow up to Bean Selection I am planning on making a new chili using grilled venison, Great Lakes Black Out Stout, and roasted corn. There was a sister thread

What is the name of this chicken soup dish?

I've been making this simple chicken soup dish for years. I learned it from my dad, who got it from my mother, and who knows how far back it went beyond that. B

Can you freeze soup?

I am planning on making soup with my leftover turkey frame. I was just wondering if it is possible to freeze the soup and have it taste good when it is thawed.

How do I get the best possible texture when making vegetable cream soups?

Many recipes call for straining the almost finished soup to get rid of any extra chunky bits and get the best mouthfeel. But I am really confused, because with

How to know how salty is my soup without tasting?

This is a sister to this question. I need a method or a trick to measure (or guess) how saline is my food using normal tools or substances available on the sup

What is the purpose of vermouth in potato leek soup?

I have taken elements of a number of different recipes and have developed my own recipe for potato leek soup. The ingredients are: Potatos Leeks Vegetable and

How to prepare a vegetable base using roasted squash for savory tomato-chunk soup

I am looking to prepare a roasted squash soup base/stock. I plan on pairing the meal with a stout beer tasting. How do i go from roasted squash and asparagus to

Why does roasting vegetables before pureeing into soup affect the flavour?

Last night I made a butternut squash soup. The recipe said to roast some squash and onion for 45 mins before boiling with stock for 15 and then pureeing. Is any

How do I get rid the yellow layer of oil that forms in my cream of mushroom soup?

When making cream of mushroom, I sauté the chopped up wild mushrooms with unsalted butter until tender and add a little olive oil. After a while, I add t

Defrosting frozen soup

I am planning on defrosting some leftover turkey soup for supper tonight. To make it go farther I am planning on adding noodles to the soup in addition to some