Category "extracts"

What is a substitute for maple extract?

I am making cinnamon rolls with a maple flavoured frosting, however, I am having trouble finding maple extract for the frosting. What can I substitute it with?

How can I maximize ginger extraction?

I want to make ginger drinks (bourbon, hot tea, ginger ale). In all cases, I want to create a ginger syrup that I can then add to bourbon, hot water, soda water

How do I extract coconut milk from coconut meat?

Coconut milk in the local grocery store costs around $1.50 for a small can. Cans of coconut milk that cost less are full of fillers such as extra water and gums

How do they extract kernels from sunflower seeds in mass production?

Every time I seed a gunny sack of sunflower seed kernels in a supermarket, I wonder how they are extracted from their seeds. It is very difficult to extract e

What happened to my melted couverture?

I wanted to make mint-chocolate-covered candy. I never worked with couverture, but yesterday it was all I had. I melted the chocolate, cooled it, reheated a bi

What type of rum to use when making vanilla extract?

My mom just bought me some vanilla beans from Tahiti and said that the person she bought them from suggested using rum to make an extract. What type of rum shou

Is there an easy, at-home method to separate the protein from sweet whey powder?

Sweet whey powder (henceforth "SWP") is a byproduct of making cheese and is a commodity. The protein content of SWP is 13.1% protein by weight. The rest of it

How to make pumpkin extract

How do I make an extract to get the flavor of a pumpkin? Should I use pumpkin seeds or fresh pumpkin or maybe even the pumpkin skin? If I use pumpkin, should I

homemade mint extract

I've got some mint in the yard (I think it's apple mint, as the leaves are very fuzzy and rounded) from which I'd like to make mint extract. No specific use in

What method of extracting oil from almonds preserves the most almond flavor?

Which would be the best way to extract oil from Almonds preserving the strongest flavour of Almonds?

Why should we add alcohol to make extract

Why is alcohol used to prepare extracts, such as mint extract?

How can I test my extracts for strength?

I made a couple extracts with Everclear and Buddha's hand and with habanero peppers (not combined). If I want to make some hard candy with them, how can I roug

What's the difference between orange extract and orange blossom water?

I bought some extract for dessert making and got the blossom water on a whim, since it was right next to it on the shelf. The blossom water smells a little shar

Making licorice root syrup or extract

I wanted to make licorice ice cream, but I don't want to use existing licorice candy (which probably contains preservatives, starch, gum etc which I want to add

How do they make Mexican vanilla extract?

I would like to make 'Mexican Vanilla' extract. I have used it for years and now would like to make it.

How safe is it to combine flavor extracts?

I experiment a lot with food combinations, and I know enough about their chemistry to avoid the particularly terrible ones. However, I know too little about fla

Making lemon oil from vodka

I recently made some lemon oil. Here's how I made it (question at the bottom): I took the zest of about 12 lemons, packed it in a half pint jar, filled it to t

Acmella oleracea (Szechuan buttons) - active chemical for mouth sensation?

I am looking to begin growing Acmella oleracea (Szechuan buttons). I would like to use them directly, and also make extracts specifically to maximize the taste/

What are the advantages of vanilla sugar?

When/why would one use "vanilla sugar" instead of just plain sugar along with vanilla extract and/or beans/pods, particularly in recipes and baking? Is it just

Do extracts add sweetness or just the flavor?

I really don't know how to best phrase this question, but do extracts add sweetness or just the flavor? That is, what should I expect from an extract? For exa