Category "sauerkraut"

cabbage - volume to weight conversion?

I am making sauerkraut, and don't have a handy kitchen scale. What is the approximate volume of 1 lb of cabbage? Also, any advice on saurkraut making would be

How long should I wait before I lift the lid of my sauerkraut crock?

I have 5 - 6 lbs of sauerkraut in a crock with a water vacuum seal. I read that the first 24 - 48 hours are crucial to the success of the kraut. I also read th

Recovering from Over Salted Sauerkraut

I recently finished my first batch of sauerkraut and tasted it only to find that it's way too salty. In referencing the original recipe, I realized that I used

My sauerkraut brine seems slightly slimy but the batch otherwise seems normal--is it ok?

Recently I started a batch of sauerkraut, the first after several years. Unlike my previous batches this one is much smaller (half a head of cabbage, as oppose

Sauerkraut for hot dogs

I'm a recent convert to the fermented cabbage dish Sauerkraut which I know is popular in Germany and Poland. On TV I've seen this served on hot dogs in The Sta

What is causing my sauerkraut to smell sweet?

I've been fermenting a batch of sauerkraut and it's been going for about a month. It's tasted great and has just recently started to develop some winey flavors.

Does sauerkraut go bad?

I have had a tupperware of sauerkraut I bought from the grocery store in my refrigerator for almost two months. When/Will it ever go bad?

Should I add salt to my sauerkraut recipe if I add vegetables?

I am following a sauerkraut recipe which calls for a specific amount of salt. They say I can add other vegetables, like carrots. Do I need more salt if I add mo

Salt for Sauerkraut

I am looking to trial making some Sauerkraut at home. I have been recommended getting canning salt. Trouble is the only available source is too much, at too hig

Fermenting Sauerkraut - Should I Stir?

I haven't done this for a very long time. I am following Alton Brown's recipe, which conveniently fits perfectly into a little hack-job of containers I already

Sauerkraut soaks up too much liquid while fermenting

I've been fermenting sauerkraut in a quart jar and for some reason forgot to keep an outer piece of cabbage to help keep the kraut submerged. For day 1-2 it was

What strength of brine will completely inhibit growth of lactobacillus (and friends)?

As per the title. How strong does a brine have to be before it will completely inhibit growth of the bacteria that are traditionally employed to create pickled

Best container for making sauerkraut

We've tried this a few times. First time we used an old ceramic container and it started sheding on the inside and ruined it. Next time we used a new metal garb

Sauerkraut/sourkraut - ratio of grams of salt to grams of raw cabbage?

Yes, obviously it can vary. I'm just looking for an approximate range, as a good place to start for my first time making a batch. A good answer would be someth

Small batch of sauerkraut smells yeasty

As an experiment, for my first attempt, I'm making a small batch of sauerkraut. Small like less than 1/3 of a head. Its setup is pretty amateur, no professional

What's the worst that could happen when fermenting sauerkraut?

I've been wanting to make "REAL" Sauerkraut for awhile now but im really averse to food borne illnesses. So obviously fermenting something is sorta scary to m

How do I drain sauerkraut?

One of my favorite sandwiches is the Reuben. One problem I tend to have when making this at home is the sandwich is damp from the sauerkraut. I buy sauerkraut

10 liter fermentation crock... water getting sucked inside, advice needed

Please assist regarding water added to the moat during a 4 to 5 week ferment, because one cannot simply keep adding water to the moat because if the crock's va

Food safety of sauerkraut whose brine evaporated below surface?

We started a batch of sauerkraut about a month ago. We used the outer leaves of the cabbage to cover the shredded cabbage below. The cabbage was brined with ade

Is this batch of sauerkraut salvageable?

In researching sauerkraut recipes, I saw one could make it in a crock pot or jar covered with cheesecloth. Not having a suitable jar & not wanting to use my