Category "salsa"

How does one begin to create salsa?

Let me start by saying that I am not a cook by any means. Now, I love salsa and I always have, but mostly I just get store brands. I've had homemade salsa befo

Source of smoky flavor in salsa?

I'm experimenting with making my own salsa. I recently had some that had an interesting flavor, rather smoky. Is anyone aware of what might add this flavor? I'd

Do you need a pressure cooker to can home-made salsa?

I grew my own tomatoes this year and had success with making my own salsa. Do you need a pressure cooker to can home-made salsa?

How do I make homemade Salsa thicker?

I have been playing with homemade salsa for a few weeks now and I can't seem to figure out how to get that thicker tomato texture that a lot of southern Mexican

What is the "standard" salsa tomato?

I make a lot of fresh salsa (pico de gallo style) in the summer, but I don't usually think much about the type of tomatoes I'm usuing. Usually I just buy whatev

Is there a brand of salsa I can cook with that doesn't contain seeds?

I love salsa, mexican food, and anything spicy, but most salsa has tomato and or Jalapeno seeds in there. Hope to find one without seeds.

Preparing Salsa Verde fast and fresh

I want to make batches of Salsa Verde* fast and fresh, 8 to 12 serves at a time It normally requires a large amount of knife work to get everything finely chop

What can I do if I didn't process my salsa long enough?

I made salsa last week, and processed the jars (quarts) for 20 minutes (may have been 25, I forgot to note exactly when the water started to boil). I got my ti

How long will homemade Pico de Gallo last in the refrigerator?

I am trying to start doing more prep work in the beginning of the week due to a busy work schedule. We love eating pico de gallo on omelets. Was just curious

How to make chunky salsa like supermarket jarred salsa?

I've watched a lot of videos on YouTube: 90% of people doesn't know anything about cooking. What they do is they make salsa in a blender (not in a food processo

What is the difference between a salsa, a sauce, a gravy, and a chutney?

Growing up, it appeard that these accompaniments all had their distinct areas and never were there lines crossed. However the more I live/eat, the more the lin

Jars of salsa, do I have to boil the jars if they sealed on their own?

Wondering if I have to boil my homemade jars of salsa to seal them if they sealed on their own. (Yes I sterilized them before hand) The salsa went in hot and on

Which salsa ingredient makes it taste like dirt?

I suppose it could also be considered "earthy". There is an ingredient that is often added to "authentic" salsas that often ends up making it taste too "earth

How to extend the freshness of salsa?

I often make salsa containing tomato, onion, garlic salt, green pepper, red pepper, lemon, and salt. I store it in a Glasslock container in the refrigerator. By

Using previously frozen salsa

I hope this isn't off base because I'm not asking for recipes, just suggestions that I might not have thought of. I made a HUGE batch of roasted cherry salsa

Is picante sauce a type of salsa?

My dad asked for picante sauce at the store. I never heard the phrase, and asked if he meant salsa. He told me no, he meant picante sauce. He wanted Pace's pica

Missing ingredient from Peach Salsa can I recan

I made a batch of peach salsa last night but forgot the vinegar. Can I add the vinegar and recan the peach salsa. It has the sugar, just forgot the vinegar

What's the line between salsa and guacamole?

I know there is guacamole dip you can buy in the store refrigerator case. I know there's guacamole itself. I know there's jarred "guacamole style salsa" which i

How much vinegar should I use when making Salsa?

My wife's boss makes some absolutely great salsa, so we got the recipe from her so that we could try our hand at it with our fresh garden veggies. The recipe is

How to correct bitterness in blended homemade salsa?

Anybody know what might work to correct the bitterness I got from Blendtec blending fresh tomatoes, onion, jalapeño, cilantro, and garlic salsa?