Category "whipped-cream"

How is long-lasting whipped cream made?

Cakes made of whipped-cream by professionals last for a long time in a consistent, white state. However, from what I know, whipped cream tends to become yellow

Whipped cream without a mixer?

Is it possible to make whipped cream without a power mixer? How? Can it be made with a stick blender?

Why is a copper bowl recommended for whipping cream and egg whites?

They say you can get the whipped cream or egg whites "higher" or "stiffer" if you use a copper bowl. Why is that?

What is the maximum temperature at which cream will still whip successfully?

I recently tried to whip warm cream and was surprised to find out that it would not hold air. After some limited research, I have discovered that in order for t

Why does whip cream dispenser sometimes produce "ragged" cream?

Sometimes I make whipped cream in my ISI cream whipper and it comes out beautifully fluffy and smooth, and other times when I dispense it, the cream looks "ragg

Overpressurizing a cream whipper?

This might be considered off-topic, but thought it was worth asking, as I have no idea where else to ask -- I'm trying to make something forcibly eject from a

How does a whipped cream charger work?

I recently got an iSi whipped cream container that charges with nitrous cannisters. I don't really understand how the thing works, which I think would help my u

What ingredients will allow me to make a foam with a whipped cream charger?

So I have an iSi whipped cream charger. There are a series of recipes that sound really interesting, but I don't quite understand what ingredients you need in o

Does a liquid need to cool under pressure in a whipped cream charger prior to serving or just be cold?

I have an iSi whipped cream charger. The directions for recipes almost universally call for you to put your liquid in the charger, charge with nitrous, and then

Can ruined whipped cream be rescued?

If you whip mayonnaise too long and ruin it, you can restart with a new yolk and reuse the ruined mayonnaise. Is there a similar way to rescue whipped cream th

Why does chilled equipment help when whipping cream?

Why a does chilled mixer bowl help when making whipped cream? Does it have any effect on how long the cream stays whipped?

How fast can one whip cream?

Let's say I whip a bowl of cream manually at a slow paced ~3-4 beats per second. The cream would be ready whipped after say 10-15 minutes. Then I whip an ident

Differences between heavy and light whipping cream?

What is the difference between light and heavy whipping cream, and for what purposes would one want to use one over the other? What effects does the difference

Is it possible my cream was too cold prior to whipping?

I've whipped cream before. I recently bought whipping cream (a brand I'm not familiar with) and placed in the fridge prior to whipping. When I took it out of th

Why am I getting runny whipped cream from my iSi canister?

Lately when I try to use my iSi the whipped cream just comes out very runny. Does anyone know why this happens and what I can do about it?

Whipping-cream will not stay hard or keep its peaks and gets runny

My mother is confounded by whipping-cream. Some 20 years ago she started making cream-puffs which quickly became her pastry calling card. They always came out g

Nitrous oxide gas leak when charging ISI whipping cream dispenser

When I charge my relatively new ISI cream dispenser, the N2O gas leaks around the top and body seam, resulting in failed whipped cream. I've tried everything t

How long will double cream stay whipped?

I'd like to prepare some whipped double cream in advance for a dessert I'm making. How long will the cream stay whipped (i.e. peaky) if I do it in advance?

Can you make whipped cream with half and half?

Can you make whipped cream with half and half? If you can, what, if anything, do you have to do differently?

Tiramisu mixture not firm

I have tried to make Tiramisu chocolate mousse from this video many times. The chocolate mixture turns out great. With the egg yolks I add grape juice instead o